
"An An, you haven't told me how you came here?" Sheng Ning is very concerned about this. She doesn't want An An to do anything bad because of herself that will affect her future and career.

"Don't worry, I went through formal channels." An An explained: "My grandpa is dead. He helped me win this opportunity before he died."

"Really?" Sheng Ning didn't believe it would be so simple. "He didn't ask for anything? Or was it an exchange of interests?"

I always feel that the old chief Shen is not a simple character, and among so many retired old chiefs, this is the most feared hero.

"No, really not." An An stretched her waist and turned off the topic. "Where is the baby? Let me see the baby. I can't wait." She said back to the door and threw the army green big on the ground. Bring the bag in.

"I brought a lot of gifts for the baby."

"Upstairs, I'll take you there." Sheng Ning took her, and the sisters happily went upstairs, leaving Gu Yunbo alone underground.

When Sheng Ning went down, the two little babies cried and made people feel distressed, but after crying for a while to see no one was there, they began to play happily. You hold my little arm, I hold your calf, having fun.

"Little nephew, little nephew..." An An dropped her bag and let out a grunt. The two babies who were playing were attracted by the sound and looked towards the source of the sound with their big round eyes.

Immediately showed an expression of disgust.

"Sister, am I being disgusted?" An An pointed to her nose, and pointed to the two babies with an expression of disgust.

Sheng Ning grabbed her hair awkwardly, "These two bear kids, don't take it seriously, they just owe you a beating." When they said that, they raised their hands to scare them, but the two looked at Sheng Ning grinningly, not at all afraid.

"They just hate me." She looked at the baby's eyes and knew that they must be calling her ugly in their hearts.

"No, really not." It's over, An An is going to be sad.

"Huh! Where is the sister's bathroom?" She must wash it beautifully, so that the niece and niece like her very much.

"Here, I will take you. You are tired all night and need a good rest. Today you come and I will cook myself."

"Okay!" An An said as she picked up her big bag and got into the bathroom.

Sheng Ning waited for the bathroom door to close, sat on the bed, squeezed the pink cheeks of the little brother and little sister respectively, and said in a serious way: "You two guys who judge people by appearance are too superficial. Just now it was your sister. , Daring to dislike my aunt, is it to be beaten?"


The two little guys continued to smile heartlessly.

Sheng Ning continued to teach, "If I see you like this again in the future, my mother will not love you." Hmph! Education should start with a baby. At such a young age, is it worthwhile to judge people by their appearance?

"Okay! Are you stupid? They are so small, they don't understand no matter how much you say."

"Yeah! Auntie!" Lin En came out of the room and stood side by side with Gu Yunbo.

"Moreover, the auntie just now is really scary like a little cat."

"You are too much, that is my sister, how can you say that to her?"

"We didn't say anything!" Lynn blinked his sapphire eyes innocently. "Auntie, have you misunderstood something?"

"Look, as soon as the family came, we outsiders were useless." Gu Yunbo said leisurely.

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