"No!" Sheng Ning took a deep breath.

She shouldn't be angry with Gu Yunbo and Lin En. Lynn is a mixed race who grew up in the United States. He is used to this way of speaking and doesn't understand their euphemism at all.

As for Gu Yunbo, it is purely cheap.

She bothered with them, just to find herself unhappy, not to mention that both her sons and girls are snobbish bear children.

"Don't block the door, you two, come in and sit."


The two came in tacitly and sat down one by one.

Taking advantage of his chin, Sheng Ning carefully told the two of the things he hadn't said before. Including her life experience, An An's life experience, how she was a soldier in the first place, and her experience in the countryside.

Lynn listened, clenching his little hand vigorously, his expression nervous and worried.

Gu Yunbo's nonchalant eyes became more solemn.

She did not expect that under Sheng Ning's strong family background, so many setbacks were hidden. She didn't even expect that the life experience of that kid just now would be more distressing than Shengning.

"So, my sister is the treasure in my heart. No matter who it is, even if she says a word is bad, I will get angry and angry. So, I was really sorry just now."

"Auntie, we were wrong."

"Uh uh uh..." Gu Yunbo turned his head uncomfortably, "Don't worry, your sister is my sister."

"Thank you!" Sheng Ning gave the two of them a hug.

The bathroom is in the bedroom, and the outside faucet can be heard clearly without turning on. But once the faucet was turned on, the sound of running water would block the conversation outside the conversation, so Sheng Ning thought that An An would definitely not be able to hear it.

But she didn't know that An An received professional training in the Northwest. Hearing is much better than ordinary people. The words outside just now were heard by An An without missing a word.

Her slender figure stood alone under the shower, letting the warm water wash over her body. He raised his head, but tears were already streaming down his face.

For a long time, she reached out and wiped the water off her face, muttering to herself in a low voice.

"Sister, I have grown up, and I have enough ability to protect myself, and enough ability to protect you. From now on, I will take care of this family."

The three of them chatted outside for more than half an hour. After waiting for An An, they didn't come out. In the end, they waited anxiously.

"It must be too tired." She pulled a large bath towel to wrap her whole body, and hugged her onto the bed easily. "Your sister seems to be malnourished."

"I'll make up for her well." Sheng Ning helped An'an cover the quilt. It happened that Aunt Feng had returned from buying vegetables, and after An An and the two babies were taken care of by Aunt Feng and Lin En, Sheng Ning followed Gu Yunbo out.

Today, I decided to go to the West Point Military Academy for training, and she decided to spare time every week from now on.

After reaching the school gate, Sheng Ning looked at the world-famous military academy in front of him, and nodded secretly in his heart. It is indeed the place where the most generals in the United States have been trained.

"Gu, you're late again." The soldier on guard yelled jokingly when he saw Gu Yunbo coming.

Gu Yunbo is often late and has long been famous throughout the school.

"Hahaha... you didn't see it, you didn't see it."

"But I saw it." The upright American soldier looked serious.

"I'm another fool, simple-minded and well-developed muscles." Gu Yunbo winked at Sheng Ning, plus helplessly spread his hands.

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