May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1502: Go learn to fight

"Let's go in."

"Wait, who is this lady? Please show your pass." The soldier, who had just looked upright, immediately stopped Sheng Ning with a cold face. "Even though you are a beautiful lady, I still can't pass without a pass."

"This is specially approved by Major Arthur."

"Then please show Major Arthur's special permit."

Gu Yunbo patted his head and forgot to take it last night.

"You just call the major."

"Then please wait a moment." The soldier returned to the duty room to call for consultation. In less than ten minutes, Arthur had already arrived in person, and his face was pale when he saw Gu Yunbo.

"Gu, you are late again, are you still a soldier? How did you promise me yesterday?"

"I am not a soldier! I am an external instructor."

"That's OK, the bonus for this month is gone."

As soon as Arthur's words came out, Gu Yunbo's face changed drastically, "Leader, I was wrong, I will definitely change it next time."

"You promised me this way yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday." Arthur rejected her very severely, "so this time absolutely not."

Gu Yunbo rolled his eyes and pulled Sheng Ning to him as a shield, "I am late today because of her. We wouldn't be late unless she was busy taking care of the baby."

"That's good..." Arthur was about to agree, but after thinking about Gu Yunbo's all-time bad deeds, he changed his words and said, "Even so, your bonus will still be deducted. Sheng cannot be the reason for your lateness."

"You are wrong." Gu Yunbo stopped Arthur's shoulder with a grin. "This is a master. I was late to invite her out of the mountain."

"What do you mean?"

"In short, I will surprise you." Gu Yunbo blinked at Shengning, and whispered, "Wait a moment to show your hand."

"Is this bad?" She just wanted to learn how to fight, but she didn't want to show up in front of American soldiers.

What's more, she doesn't catch a cold with the American soldiers.

"It's okay, don't worry, they are easy to get along with. They are all simple-minded orangutans with well-developed limbs."

The two spoke in Mandarin, and they thought no one would understand, but Arthur became furious.

"Gu, you are too much."

"Huh? Can you understand?"

"Of course! I said that I was in contact with the People's Liberation Army on the battlefield in southern Xinjiang, and I can understand Mandarin."

Ruined! Gu Yunbo screamed badly.

"In addition to bonuses, wages will also be deducted." After Arthur finished speaking, he greeted the soldiers on guard and left with a grunt. Gu Yunbo hurriedly followed, and Sheng Ning walked slowly behind him, visiting everywhere.

Being able to visit the West Point Military Academy and learning fighting is also an experience.

She was not very familiar with the road. Walking on the road to the military academy, all soldiers in American combat uniforms passed by. Mainly whites and blacks, the height is basically 1.8 meters or more, line after line passing by her, some soldiers will deliberately whistle.

Sheng Ning walked around calmly, and did not take the moles of these people to heart.

Regarding the deliberate whistling of these soldiers, in fact, you just don't care. If you act shy or afraid, it will make the other person unscrupulous.

She walked a few steps quickly, chasing in the direction of Gu Yunbo just now, and when she passed a training ground, she was stopped by a tall figure. When Sheng Ning looked up, she was actually a woman.

He is about 1.8 meters tall and looks muscular.

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