"Thank you!" After thanking her, she walked out calmly.

This time Mr. Xing came by himself, and the three of them got in the car. Mr. Xing said, "Isn't it scaring you?"


"It’s fine. It’s very difficult for us Chinese to survive in the United States. That’s why we hug each other. The Feng family you see now may not like it, but what the Feng family does for the Chinese every year is nothing. Controversial."

Mr. Xing's words stunned Sheng Ning.

Gu Yunbo also said: "When I first came, the Feng Family Foundation took care of me a lot."

"So, Ms. Shengning, you don't really need to be so repulsive." Manager Xing didn't talk all the way after saying this. He stopped at the gate of the Victoria Theatre and said, "Ms. Shengning, when will you move back to the manor? live?"

"Why must you move back?"

"You are the heir. It is too inappropriate to continue living outside." Manager Xing got out of the car and took the initiative to help Shengning open the door.

After getting out of the car, she turned around and said to Director Xing, "I see, please tell your uncle, grandpa, and I will visit him tomorrow."

"Okay, you are welcome to go back anytime."

"Thank you!"

Seeing Director Xing’s car leaving, Sheng Ning stood on the side of the road without speaking for a long time.

Gu Yunbo patted her on the shoulder, feeling very sympathetic, "You don't want to go back to live?"

"Yes. I find it very baffling even now."

"Auntie, are you back?" The little guy Lynn heard the sound of the car and ran down happily. "Auntie, what are you looking at?"

"No, I didn't watch anything." Sheng Ning retracted Piaoyuan's thoughts, "Is my aunt awake?"

"I'm already awake." When talking about An An, Lynn was helpless, "Auntie, go up and have a look! Little brother is already laughing foolishly."


"Anyway, you can go up and see."

Sheng Ning ran upstairs in a hurry, and at a glance, he saw An An with a furry tiger-headed hat teasing the two children. The little brother's laugh point was really low, and An An kept giggling.

All three people laughed in the whole room.

"Hahahaha...cute? I am a little tiger who specializes in eating children." An An stretched out her hands to make a grabbing motion, actually tickling the two babies differently.

I thought the little sister could laugh a little higher, but she was ticklish. An An scratched, and she rolled around on the bed.

Sheng Ning was dumbfounded!

Gu Yunbo was amazed, "This is the expert who takes care of children!"

An An saw Sheng Ning out of the corner of her eye and said hello with a smile, "Sister, you are back!"

"Yeah! How are you? There is nothing uncomfortable, right?" Sheng Ning walked over and saw that An An's face was pretty good, immediately relieved.

"I'm fine, don't worry." An'an took out the hats of the two little tigers and brought them to the little baby. The two were so happy that they caught and scratched when they saw the little tigers!

"Hahaha..." An An smiled happily, "Sister, my nephew is very cute!"

"It's fine if you like it." Sheng Ning thought that it was fortunate that An An remembered what she was disliked, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard An An say: "Sister, your child is too superficial."

"what happened?"

"I have a disgusting look on my disgusting face. I have cleaned it now, but my legs are not good." An An turned around and took a look at Shengning. "Just like when you were a child, I like to play with long and good-looking people."

"I am not like this!" Sheng Ning would never admit that the child inherited himself, "It is absolutely impossible."

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