May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1512: Men are used to rely on

"Sister, don't think I don't know. I remember everything you did when you were a kid." An An looked at her and smiled like a little fox.

"Then you should forget it." Sheng Ning stroked her forehead. For her, it was all from the previous life.

"Miss Shengning, are you tired? I'll breastfeed the baby first, and you should eat first."

"Okay, thank Aunt Feng."

"Don't be polite." Aunt Feng was very good at taking care of the children, and skillfully took the two children away.

An An teased for a long time, and both children were tired, and fell asleep before drinking milk.

"Sister, I like my nephew." An An said while eating, "Father and auntie would be so happy to see them."

"We will be back soon." Sheng Ning said firmly, suppressing the worry in his heart.

"Yeah! Dad is worried about you."

"You didn't tell them?" Sheng Ning thought of his father who was still in his hometown, and the idea of ​​going back became firmer.

"How dare you! I'm afraid that Dad can't stand it, so I haven't said it." In fact, she hasn't been back since her sister's accident. She dare not go back, dare not face her father and aunt.

The most important thing is that she is not good at lying.

"You didn't say it was right." Sheng Ning also didn't want to worry about her parents.

"Sister, I heard that Feng's family is very bad before I came, so you should stay away from them."

"I know." Sheng Ning felt a headache thinking about what happened this morning. "

"Brother-in-law said, let your safety be the first priority. If there is something waiting for him to talk about, don't be impulsive, let alone arrogant."

"I've been waiting for him." Thinking of the living king, Shengning suddenly found out that he was too strong. There was something he never thought about hiding behind the man, but instead he covered his head and rushed forward.

She has men. What do men do? Used to rely on at critical moments.

When she figured this out, she couldn't help laughing a little bit stupidly. Just leave it to the King of Living Hades if she had anything to do, so why bother to get angry and be cautious step by step.

"When can your brother-in-law come?"

An An smiled mysteriously, "Soon, soon."


Special Operations Division of the Northern Military Region

Today is the time for the first internal selection, and from the morning the entire special forces division is boiling.

The secret mission of the military department, the division commander personally leads the team, a once-in-a-lifetime good opportunity to choose only the best fighters.

Only the one who can be selected is the most powerful and can be called the king of soldiers. The selection is divided into two groups, the first group leader is Chen Yingjie, and the second group leader is Renault.

Choose only twenty from thousands of fighters.

The atmosphere of competition on the training ground is fierce, but the pressure in Xu Qigang's office is terribly low. He has been working on an action plan since the morning. The US application has been approved and is about to set off. This time he must be foolproof.

The mission of this trip is official. In addition to the exchanges and discussions with the Mi Army, he also has a separate secret mission and a special mission that Meng Xingzhi explained.

With so many tasks and safe bringing back to Xiao Ning, he must be well-planned in order to be foolproof.

"Reporter Chief."

"Come in."

"Vice Mayor Su is here."

"Please come in."

After the guard went out, Su Hai came in stiffly in a black tunic suit and saw Xu Qigang, who was busy bowing his head, smiling and joking: "It's the teacher after all, I have to report to you in advance."

Xu Qigang looked up at him lukewarmly and ignored it.

"It's boring." Su Hai asked himself to be boring, and didn't intend to talk nonsense to explain his intentions directly.

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