"When I came in, I saw that you were selecting people to go to the United States this time. When would it be better?"

"Tomorrow morning." Xu Qigang said concisely.

"So fast?"

"I am selecting, not training." He dropped the pen in his hand and rubbed his eyebrows tiredly.

He personally wrote this action plan, which is highly confidential and detailed. It has written all the things that may happen in the United States, and includes how to solve it and how to deal with it.

The most important thing is that everyone gets different.

"When to set off?"


Su Hai couldn't help widening his eyes, and exclaimed, "You guys can do it!" Xu Qigang's eyes flashed with a dark light. This trip to the United States was hard-won. God knows how much he has spent.

"The chief of staff is mainly to help, otherwise it won't be so fast." "Well, we will gather at the airport tomorrow."

"Yeah!" Xu Qigang nodded, and suddenly thought of what he had communicated on the phone before, and there was a touch of contemplation on his handsome face.

"I want to ask you about the Feng family, what kind of family is it? Why have you never heard of it before?"

Su Hai sneered, "Of course you have never heard of it. We are stupid to take the initiative to say that our family has an overseas relationship? And this Feng family has no good things, the old man is eager to have nothing to do with them, even if they come to us I don't know how to admit it." I remember that when I was a child speaking about the Feng family, the old man could say that he would not stop for an hour, it was all dissatisfaction.

It was said that the Feng family looked down on him as a mud-legged person, thinking of the law to dismantle them, and in the end, if it weren't for his mother to follow him desperately, there would not be any of them.

After he grew up, Su Hai went to Shanghai to investigate Feng's family, about the wealthy and wealthy family in Shanghai in 1930.

It is a family that can do business, has a family history and is extremely smart for future generations. It is a family that has prospered for two hundred years. It is impossible to imagine how much wealth will be accumulated in these two hundred years.

The reason why the Feng family has prospered for so many years is to do good deeds, donate food in the years of famine, and build roads and bridges in the years of peace. But such a family with an excellent reputation is cruel infighting, and many people will die in family fighting in the past. And he doesn't only select heirs from the direct line like other families. For the Feng family, as long as you have the ability, it doesn't matter whether you are in the direct line or not.

"This family is all neurotic. Ningning who has a brain problem must stay away. Don't get involved with such a problem family, let alone get involved in their heir dispute. And we don't need it, there is no Feng family. Our Su family is no worse than them now."

Xu Qigang's face became more and more gloomy, "I'm afraid it's too late, Xiaoning didn't say much in the letter, but we must prepare for the worst."

"Then I will be responsible for this matter." Su Hai took the initiative to say.

Xu Qigang looked at him unexpectedly when he heard the words, "Are you sure? Are you a junior who can really take the initiative in front of his uncle?"

"It doesn't seem to be possible." Su Hai's expression was a bit embarrassing, his abdomen was dark and ruthless, but he couldn't be truly cruel to his family.

"Wait for the United States, tell me to stay away from Feng's house." Xu Qigang warned seriously.

"okay then!"

At this time, the phone on Xu Qigang's desk just rang. He picked it up to answer, and when the voice inside came, he immediately offered a military salute.

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