"Sir, Ms. Sheng Ning is thinking about going home. Isn't it a bit of us like this..." The four people who are in trouble, Xing, dare not say it, because the husband has changed his face.

"Am I a tough guy?"

"Of course not." Manager Xing immediately stooped to admit his mistake, "Sir, it's my fault."

"Forget it, I don't understand it after telling you." Mr. Feng waved his hand, "Go ahead!"


Manager Xing bent down and left, sighing long until he left the manor. He is now less and less understanding of Mr.'s ideas, although he disagrees a bit in his heart, he has no right to question.

"Director, where are we going?" the driver asked cautiously.

"Go to the hospital to see Miss Zhen Zhen."

"Yes, now you are the only manager who cares about Miss Zhenzhen."

"No way, I grew up when I was young." After all, after being the heir for so many years, Miss Zhen Zhen is half the master in Manager Xing's heart, but who would have thought that half of the master would become an outsider one day?

Now the entire Feng family is falling into trouble with Feng Zhenzhen. Everyone can't wait to step on it. All he can do is to have nothing to do, and let those who want to start secretly be vigilant, otherwise Miss Zhenzhen will have a dead end.


"Miss Shengning, Lin En is on fire, Lin En is on fire..." Aunt Feng came back from shopping early in the morning, rushing in excitedly with the newspaper in her hand, and shouted happily along the way: "Hurry up. Come out and have a look!"

"What's the matter?" Sheng Ning was busy preparing for the theater downstairs. Since An An has come to have a caring person to help her take care of her children, she can put more energy on the theater.

This is her interest and passion. She hopes to perform "Madam Linglong" before returning to China. Let the name of the motherland one day also leave a strong mark in the history of art.

"Look." Aunt Feng handed the newspaper to Shengning.

"Times?" She exclaimed, it was because the newspaper was so well-known all over the world. As soon as Sheng Ning looked away from the name, he saw a mixed-race boy on the homepage wearing a Valentino haute couture tuxedo, like a prince in a fairy tale slowly coming from an illusory world.

Especially those blue eyes, as attractive as a deep whirlpool.

"This is Lynn, I didn't expect it to be so beautiful." Sheng Ning smiled, "Mary is really amazing."

"Isn't it! Lynn has become a star. It is estimated that many media will come to interview."

As soon as Sheng Ning heard that the media was coming, she slapped her forehead, and suddenly realized: "This is the price of fame." The little guy took An An and two little babies to Times Square to play, and when he came back, he wanted to communicate with him. Just a moment.

"Ms. Sheng Ning is there?" An unfamiliar voice sounded at the door. It was a standard Western beauty in her twenties with high nose and deep eyes. Her body was tall and sexy, and her brown skin exuded an alluring luster like chocolate. There are also Latin American ancestry.

"Hello, I am."

"Hello, my name is Demila. I used to be the manager of the Victoria Theatre. I heard the boss of Daves say that you are going to reopen, so I always apply." Demila flirted with her golden wavy hair and tried her best. Can show his sexiest and sultry side.

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