May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1517: Last Time Weekly

Originally, she came with full confidence. At the moment she saw Sheng Ningshi who appeared in front of her, her heart was cold, and she had the best plan to be rejected.

The beauty in front of me is very attractive, and the beauty looks very unpleasant and jealous. She would rather work with men than work with women. Now if she hadn't had any money to live, she would never stay for a minute.

Sheng Ning looked at the arrogance that he tried to hide in the other's eyes, and nodded slightly, "Hello, this is Sheng Ning. What position do you want to apply for?"

"Manager." Demila raised her chin arrogantly, and said without arrogance, "I'm only a manager."

"What if it's not the manager?" Sheng Ning looked at her clothes.

Demila bit her lip and struggled, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "Then I won't do it." She felt that she had this ability and was absolutely unwilling to lower her status.

"Your clothes are rented and you don't want to lower your profile. It is difficult to get ahead. If you are willing to start from ordinary employees, I can hire you. If you are a manager, you have to give up." She sees Demila may be really capable of coming out, but she is too arrogant. If she doesn't frustrate her arrogance, there will be many contradictions.

"But I have the ability. I believe I can be qualified for the position of manager." Demila's face changed slightly, and she wanted to shake her head and leave, but the current embarrassment made her know that she did not have the capital to continue to be arrogant.

"Miss Shengning, if you hire me, it will definitely be worth the money."

"Then are you willing to start from ordinary employees?"

"Not willing."

"Then please leave. If you figured it out that day, you are willing to start from ordinary employees and you can come to me at any time."

"Goodbye!" Now she doesn't even have the money to buy bread, and she doesn't know how to solve the next meal, but the pride in her bones makes her really unable to lower her posture.

"Ms. Sheng Ning, I think the person just now is very good and seems very educated, why don't you hire? Are you not very short of people now?" Aunt Feng asked curiously.

"I am very short of people, and I am willing to give her the position of manager, but I definitely can't give it like this."


Lin took An An and the two children to play until the afternoon before returning, a group of people were embarrassed. The little brother was tired from playing with the little sister, and lay in the stroller and fell asleep. Aunt Feng and Sheng Ning each carried one and sent it upstairs to rest.

An An, holding a huge hamburger in his hand, followed all the way to eat all the way, "Sister, this is so delicious, I still have it for the first time!" An An, who ate a hamburger for the first time, praised this fast food and couldn’t put it down. .

Lynn kept looking at her with strange eyes, as if what she was eating was so unpalatable, wondering how she could eat so delicious.

"You will eat less if you are unhealthy."

"I know we won't be able to eat it when we return to China, so I want to eat more now." She was shocked by showing Sheng Ning the bag on her hand.

A bag full of hamburgers.

"Why are you buying so much?"

"Eat!" An An said and took another bite. "It's delicious!"

"Well, you can't eat it for long anyway."

Lin En has been listening obediently, "Auntie, are you going back to the mainland?"

"Right!" Sheng Ning touched his head, "You are my son-in-law now, would you like to go back with me?"

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