"Yes! We didn't expect Eliza to be such a person."

"Feng, you are good, you will be one of us in the future."

"My mother will hold a charity dinner next week. I invite you to attend."

The previous situation has been reversed again. From everyone's despise to everyone's welcome, although it seems simple, the resilience and cheeky calculation skills are not something ordinary people can do.

"Huh! You don't lose if you lose to such a person. You can only say that you are lucky if you are not dead." Chen Yingjie stood not far away with his hands behind his back and looked at everything on the playground.

Standing next to him was a very thin-looking woman wearing a black coat, because she was wearing a mask and hat and she couldn't see the specific appearance.

This person is not someone else, it is Feng Zhenzhen who came out of the hospital yesterday. In less than 24 hours, Chen Yingjie had followed her to deal with several assassinations. At the same time, I saw Feng Zhenzhen met many people and made a lot of arrangements. The one in front of me is one of her masterpieces.

Unfortunately, Feng Zhenzhen lost this round of competition.

"Shut up," Feng Zhenzhen exclaimed angrily, his voice much better than when he was hospitalized.

Most of her current physical condition was deliberately manipulated during the hospitalization, but she got better when she came out of the hospital.

"Look at you, but you can't stand criticism. I said you are also for your own good." Chen Yingjie said in a voice of someone who came over: "I haven't really seen that person can fail like you. You're so sloppy, you can be considered a wizard."

"Can you tell me a few sentences less?" Feng Zhenzhen couldn't stand it anymore. If it weren't for the fact that he saved herself more than once, she would definitely be very rude.

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Yingjie sneered, "You still want to be rude to me? You try to be rude to me?"

"You...how do you know?" She took a step back in horror, never expecting that the thoughts in her heart would be seen through by Chen Yingjie.

Chen Yingjie glanced at her sympathetically, "Guess it."

The two were talking, but the girl with freckles walked over. Chen Yingjie saw the silent walk to the distance to let the two speak alone.

"Zhen Zhen." The freckled girl spoke fluent Mandarin. Feng Zhenzhen used to be her Chinese teacher, and the two forged a deep friendship.

"Sorry for not being able to help you." The freckled girl said apologetically: "Today was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I missed it unexpectedly."

"Don't blame you." Originally, Feng Zhenzhen saw Feng Xintong's red eyes with hatred, but Chen Yingjie was so angry that he forgot about it. Now the freckled girl reminds that although the hatred in my heart is very strong, it can be reluctant. control.

"She is too shameless, obviously David is her boyfriend."

"But Alyssa likes David."

"Yes!" Feng Zhenzhen said blankly.

The freckled girl observed her for a long time, and then cautiously said: "Zhenzhen, are you okay? We have the best hospital in our family. You can also go to the Victoria Hospital to hear that the technology is very good, you can..."

The last words were not finished, and Feng Zhenzhen interrupted directly. "I know I'm leaving." After speaking, he turned around and left.

Chen Yingjie, who had been observing the surrounding environment, nodded to the freckled girl and followed.

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