May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1530: It's normal if you don't come back

Sheng Ning was taken away and did not go back the next morning. The two little babies couldn't see their mother, and began to groan and groan. As long as An An says that mother doesn't want you anymore, and father doesn't like you anymore, the two little babies will cry more than they closed their eyes.

The cute and pitiful look made An'an's funny smile hurt.

The two little babies will forget to cry when they see An An laugh. With big wet eyes, they look at you very cutely, curious why An An laughs. Before this time, An An couldn't help bullying all kinds of babies.

"Auntie, don't bully your little brother and little sister." Lynn couldn't stand it anymore. "Clever children are about to be bullied by you." He must never marry a silly wife in the future!

"Uh... okay!" An An sat obediently and shook the cradle for the baby.

"Sister, why isn't my aunt coming back? I didn't come back all night last night. This is very abnormal."

An An thought for a while, and said with a ghostly smile: "It's normal if you don't come back, and it's not normal at all if you come back."

"What does this mean?" Lynn didn't understand. "My grandmother said that not returning home at night is not a good boy."

"But my sister is an adult, a married adult."

"That's not okay, my grandmother doesn't like my mother staying out at night." The little guy looked serious.

"Hey! You'll know when you grow up."

"But I've grown up now." Lynn was very stubborn when he was serious.

An An wants to roll up his sleeves, adults, why is the bear child not behaved and obedient?

At this time, in a villa near the sea, Sheng Ning woke up in the sea breeze. Lying on the ice-blue sheets, you can see the white sandy beach through the window, and the endless sea has coconut leaves swaying with the sea breeze.

She rubbed her eyes, it was an illusion. Everything in front of her is simply beautiful, making her brain straight. However, the brain has not yet awake, and the pain in the body has come.

Let her wake up immediately and clearly realize that everything in front of her is real, and the crazy and unscrupulous night last night is also real.

She was going to be crushed by the stone, and more than once. Her whole body was about to fall apart, thinking of the touching words of love that Xu Qigang said last night, she still meets with red ears even now.

Before, even when he was just married, he would never say such bold love words.

Seeing again, he looked like a different person.

More wild than before, **** will be sultry. Every look in her eyes can make her unable to be herself.

Sheng Ning reached out and touched the place beside her, and found that the quilt was cold. She should have left long ago. She was not the first to see him when she opened her eyes, and she was unavoidably disappointed.

Reluctantly struggling to get out of bed, his legs were weak and his feet fell directly toward the ground. Just when she was about to fall, a pair of powerful arms lifted her up in the waist and put her on the bed easily, and then she was pressed under the strong body of the man.

"" Sheng Ning blushed and heartbeat, as if seeing him for the first time on the day of the August 1st Army's Day, she was fancied by those eye-catching eyes.

Shy like a **** girl, looking at him at a loss, don't know what to say.

Xu Qigang stared at her with handsome eyebrows and did not say a word for a long time, until his hot breath blew on her face, bringing up a series of numbness, and then suddenly awakened.

But his lips fell faster and swallowed what she was about to say.

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