May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1532: Eating son-in-law vinegar

"The fruit is no more. I want to have a baby. I want to go back to see the baby." Speaking of the baby, Sheng Ning thought that Xu Qigang had taken her away last night without even looking at the baby.

"You... why don't you want to look after children?" She said very dissatisfied: "Do you not love children? You say!" As long as she thinks that he doesn't love children a little bit, she can't help it Tears.

"No." A look of help flashed through Xu Qigang's eyes, "How could I not love."

"Then why don't you care about children?"

"I care, but I care more about the child's mother." Xu Qigang's lips showed a smile, "Are you jealous of your children? If I show love to children more, would you cry more?"

Sheng Ning thought for a while and nodded seriously, "If you dare to do this, I will cry to you immediately."

"Don't dare, how dare I! When the stinky boy grows up, our father and two will protect your wife."

"It's pretty much the same."

Xu Qigang approached her and couldn't help stealing another kiss, "I'm full of you..."

The atmosphere in the room was instantly ignited, and the two of them got closer...

"what time is it?"

"do not know."

"No, no..."

Xu Qigang took a look at the time. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He couldn't help but curse, pick her up and put her on the bed to sit down and tidy up her clothes.

"Xiaoning, listen to me first."

"Hmm! You said." She looked at him seriously.

Xu Qigang looked at her eyes and his face turned red, and looked away imperceptibly.

"You are in trouble now, do you know?"

"I know, but I have been waiting for you to solve it!"

Xu Qigang smiled with satisfaction and couldn't help rubbing her hair, "Goodbye! Don't worry about what you want to do. I think Victoria Theatre is very good. This is a chance to realize your dreams. I don't I hope you missed it and left a regret for yourself."

"You all know?" Sheng Ning was very disappointed with tears in her eyes, and the feeling of being able to rely on made people feel very happy.

"Well! I know it, I know everything." Now he will never be the same as before.

"Leave the rest to me! We will return to China when the matters here are finished."

"it is good!"

The two cleaned up. Xu Qigang took it all the way to the door of the Victoria Theatre. Before he could get in, Lin had already rushed out.

"Auntie, Auntie, you are finally back." The little guy was so excited when he saw Sheng Ning, he was picked up before he could get close. "Let go of me, you let go of me, you bad guy."

Xu Qigang easily raised him to his eyes, "Call Uncle."

"Don't shout." The little guy is very proud, "You abducted my aunt, you are a bad person."

Xu Qigang twisted his eyebrows slightly, "I haven't asked you to settle accounts for you abducting my daughter-in-law for so long, but I want to calculate with you that you want to abduct my daughter-in-law."

Lin Enfan’s jade-shaped face showed a trace of panic and guilty conscience, "What? What did you say?"

"Little sister is my daughter, do you think that my father-in-law's consent has been approved by my father-in-law when she becomes a daughter-in-law?" Xiaoning told him everything on the way.

Including the baby sister of the little sister and Lynn, he is unwilling to be honest. How can one's own baby girl wine jar marry casually? Not even a childhood sweetheart.

Lynn didn't dare to struggle anymore and asked stupidly, "Then... Then how can you agree?"

Xu Qigang sullen, "Then I tell you, I won't agree."

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