May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1533: My daughter Xu Huanxin

"Why? Why don't you agree?" Lynn was anxious, his calves swayed in the air, "I am going to marry a little sister, that is, I want to marry a little sister, and the little sister must be my wife when she grows up."

"no way."

"You are a bad guy, go away. You don't want to take away the little sister, no one who wants to take away the little sister is my daughter-in-law." Lynn was angrily, completely different from the little guy's usual manners.

"I tell you, my daughter will never marry you." Xu Qigang looked serious. Saying that his daughter is the lover of his father's previous life is really true. He just thinks that Xiao Ning and his baby girl will marry another man.

Before the daughter could see her, she had to drive her future son-in-law away.

"Little sister is my daughter-in-law, why are you breaking us up?" Lynn cried heartbroken. "Is it because I don't have money? But when I grow up, I will work hard to make a lot of money. Then you will despise me. ?"

Xu Qigang was shocked, "I just don't want to marry your daughter. Does it matter whether you have money?"

"Yes! Grandma said that you have to make a lot of money in order to give your wife a better life, without having to work so hard."

"Yeah! You talk a lot about this, and the ru child can teach." Xu Qigang now looks at his rivals, it seems more pleasing to the eye than before.

Sheng Ning could not help but feel distressed, and urged Xu Qigang to put Lin En down quickly, "He is still a child, why are you bullying him?"

Lynn landed on both feet, hurriedly hid behind Sheng Ning with his short legs, stretched out his head and looked at Xu Qigang secretly.

"He wants to rob my daughter, I can't teach him a lesson yet."

For the first time in his life, Xu Qigang spoke to Sheng Ning in this tone, which shows that it is really not pleasing to the future son-in-law. At this moment, An An and Gu Yunbo each came out holding one.

Xu Qigang only took a look and went straight to An An, looking at the little sister she was holding in her arms with excitement. You can't imagine that a big man of nearly 1.9 meters would be so at a loss in front of a small baby.

The eyes he looked at the little sister were so happy.

"Brother-in-law, hug you." An An said, "The little sister is so behaved, so cute."

Xu Qigang looked back at Sheng Ning and asked uncertainly, "Xiao Ning, can I really hold it?"

"Of course!" Sheng Ning encouraged: "Don't dad want to hold his daughter?"

"Yes." Xu Qigang gave a smirk, carefully holding his daughter into his arms, Sheng Ning wanted to laugh at the awkward appearance.

Aunt Feng also came downstairs and saw Xu Qigang's movements and took the initiative to teach him how to hold the child. He learned quickly, and mastered the skills of holding a child very quickly.

The little sister was lifted high by him, giggling silly, and laughing like a silver bell.

"Choose a name for the child! There is no name yet!"

Xu Qigang pondered for a moment, looked at the smiling face of the little sister, and said happily: "How about Xu Huanxin?"

Sheng Ning's eyes lit up, "This name is good, it's Xu Huanxin."

The big guy liked it very much and couldn't help but tease the little sister.

"My little sister will be called Xu Huanxin from now on. Do you like this name?"

"You must really like it? Dad personally picked it up!"

Gu Yunbo was standing aside holding his little brother and was about to be isolated. The little brother looked stupidly at everything around him, blinking and biting his fingers joyfully with his **** and bright eyes.

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