May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1534: Dad doesn't want a brother

"Little brother, your father really doesn't like you this time." Gu Yunbo said gleefully, "You're done, you must be the kid picked up."

The little brother didn't understand what she was talking about, but yelled happily.

Xu Qigang doesn't care about his son, but Sheng Ning is distressed.

"Qi Gang, hurry up and look at your son!"

Xu Qigang glanced hurriedly, "What's so good about brat!" After that, he continued to tease his daughter.

Sheng Ning and Gu Yunbo looked at each other, and saw a hint of helplessness and amusement in each other's eyes. She took the child and deliberately said: "Little brother, let's run away from home! My father is too partial to love my little brother, and my mother loves you! Mom will take you away from home!"

Xu Qigang was anxious when he heard it, and quickly hugged the little brother to the other arm, holding the two children on the left and the right firmly.

"Who said I don't feel bad? I like it very much." Xu Qigang saw that a son and a daughter's always cold handsome faces were already full of smiles, and even the coldness in his eyes turned into joy.

This is the daughter Xiaoning helped him give birth to, and it is his little love.

Sheng Ning smirked, "Where's the name? Little brother has no name yet!"

"Little brother, be cautious."

When Sheng Ning heard it, he also thought that there were two parents in his hometown who were afraid of their children. In particular, her mother-in-law back then loved her as her own daughter, and even treated her better than her son.

Let the younger brother's name be handed over to his parents-in-law! The two elderly people must be very happy.

"Let's leave the name of the little brother to my parents!" Sheng Ning took the initiative to mention it.

"Xiao Ning, thank you." Xu Qigang looked at her eyes, almost drowning.

Gu Yunbo couldn't help rubbing his eyes. The Xu Qigang in front of him was a far cry from the Xu Qigang she knew before leaving the country. There are totally two people, it is really hard to imagine that King Living Hades would one day hold a child in one hand and look at his wife spoiledly.

This is simply disillusioned.

If Meng Fan did not die, she would be very happy. At the beginning, Meng Fan was very worried that the Living Hades would be too cold and rigid to marry a wife. After all, all female soldiers are afraid of him.

Xu Qigang's eyes looked like Gu Yunbo, with interesting and cold killing intent surging out of her eyes, and she couldn't help but step back three steps in a row.

Lin En sensitively hid behind Sheng Ning.

"Gu Yunbo didn't expect you to be here." His voice was so cold that many of the people's aura pressure did not dare to gasp loudly.

"Why? Isn't it strange?" Gu Yunbo thought that the move he had just backed up was really shameful. Some took a step forward and said aggressively, "Are you trying to find fault when you came?"

"Of course not." Xu Qigang shook his head, "Meng Fan is dead. It's no use saying more." So he wouldn't say anything, but as Meng Fan's best brother, he saw that Gu Yunbo didn't hate his teeth. strange.

When the word Meng Fan was mentioned, Gu Yunbo immediately felt like a discouraged ball, and was immediately persuaded.

"Why do you...why talk about him? Do I have anything to do with him?" She and Meng Fan are the sky, the earth, the unattainable clouds, and the weeds in the dust.

What can be the relationship between them?

Xu Qigang is Meng Fan's best brother, a close friend who can entrust his life to life and death, if it were not for Shengning and her, there would be no chance to meet.

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