May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1542: Do you know lynn

"You should indeed be married." The Duke of Westminster said with satisfaction: "The family is looking forward to you getting married soon."

Beyat's enthusiasm seemed to be poured into a basin of ice water, and immediately all passion was gone. He is a well-known prodigal son throughout England, and it is impossible for him to get married.

"You better recognize your little nephew!" Beate curled his lips, "I can't wait to see my little nephew."

"I can't get close!" The Duke of Westminster said calmly: "And I don't want to scare the children, so I can't take radical measures." As he said, his eyes fell on the face of Sheng Ning opposite, with blue eyes. A soft light appeared in his eyes.

The matter has been investigated very clearly, this woman is very good, very good. The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that she actually made a baby kiss for the noble future little duke.

"By the way! I heard that my little nephew has ordered a baby kiss."

Beyat really didn't open the pot or mention which pot. Knowing that the Duke didn't like the result, he even said it, and he drew eyes on the spot. Amber, who was standing at the back, had his head down. He quickly raised his head to apologize when he heard the mention of the doll.

"Sorry, Lord Duke."

"You said it?"

"Yes, Lord Duke, I was so excited. The thought that the young master actually had a baby boy, my God! What a romantic thing this is."

I have to say that the British people's genes for advocating romance have been carved into their bones, even the rigorous and conservative Amber is no exception. This is really a contradictory clan. On the one hand, their rigor is famous all over the world, on the other hand, their gentlemanly demeanor and romantic atmosphere are also well-known.

"Not everyone can match my son."

A word from Lord Duke immediately made Amber sober from his fantasy, "Yes! Lord Duke."

Beyat said gleefully: "Your father is so incompetent. What you should worry about is how to win his son's heart? If I were a little nephew, I won't pay attention to you."

Now Lord Duke's face is even more ugly, his handsome three-dimensional face is covered with frost.

"My lord, Daves is here."

"Come in."


The door of the box was pushed open, and the tall Daves stepped forward and knelt down on one knee in front of the Lord Duke, performing the etiquette of a servant meeting the master.

"Get up!"

"Thank you Lord Duke." Daves stood up respectfully, his head lowered and he didn't even dare to look into the eyes of the opposite person.

"You have read all the letters you gave me. The Victoria Theatre is an elegant heritage of our family and we must continue to carry it forward."

The meaning is obvious, not only to continue to open, but also to open at any cost. It doesn't matter how much it costs, but the theater must be done well.

"Yes!" Daves trembled in his heart, rejoicing.

Fortunately, the door was not closed, or else I would be finished.

"This time I asked you to come and talk about other things. I have something to ask you."

"My Lord Duke, please say it." Daves respectfully, with his status and responsibility, it is not necessary for the Lord Duke to come forward and handle matters personally. When he came, he was very worried all the way, for fear that he would not pay attention to annoy the adults.

"Do you know Lynn?" Amber asked impatiently.

Daves was shocked, thinking for a long time before figuring out who Lynn was. "Oh... I know this little boy, he is Lin Lisha's illegitimate child..."

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