Before he finished speaking, he received the sharp eyes of the Lord Duke, and he dared not say the latter words again.

"My lord, I...I know, what's the matter? Is there any difference in him?"

The Duke of Westminster sat a little forward and said in a purely English accent: "You look up at me."

Daves can only be regarded as a servant of the Westminster family, not even a servant. His ancestors were only slaves sold by the Westminster family, so he would never dare to look up in front of his master.

He has always been assigned to work only by the knight of Lord Duke or butlers like Amber. The Lord Duke is noble, and he will never allow even a photo of himself to be leaked.

"Yes..." Daves raised his head in fright, a pair of blue eyes suddenly came into view, and the memory of the servant engraved into his bones made him lower his head subconsciously, and then suddenly realized that these eyes were very familiar.

"Yes..." He raised his head again in horror, his eyes full of incredible.

"Lynn will be your little master from now on!" Lord Duke said lightly.

"Yes!" Daves trembled with excitement, he never thought that he would have such a chance. It is such a great honor to be able to follow the little master and accompany him to grow up.

In the future, he could even get rid of his slave mark in the Westminster family.

"My lord, I will send someone to protect the little master immediately, no, no, no...I'll pick up the little master for you."

Mentioning this, Lord Duke snorted coldly and said angrily: "You send someone to try and see if you can get close to the Victoria Theatre."

"It's Shengning's husband here." Daves is not a useless waste material, otherwise he would not have come to where he is today as a black slave.

The Victoria Theatre has always been his site, and he knows what happens. Including Sheng Ning's husband came, and all the staff he had sent out before were expelled. Sheng Ning's husband also sent news that he would come to visit him.

But because he was busy preparing to receive people from England, he turned it off. I didn't take the matter over there. I didn't expect that Sheng Ning's husband was so capable, and the people sent to protect him could not even get close to Lord Duke.

"I'll take care of this matter. I believe that with my kindness to Shengning, she will never refuse." Daves is very accurate, and it turns out that Shengning is also absolutely responsible.

"That's what you do! Remember your identity and do your job well. For the time being, you don't need to intervene in this matter."


"Still still?"

"Yes, yes..." Daves reverently retired from the box, walked out more than ten meters away before quietly relieved, and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

The men next to him leaned forward and asked, "Boss, how is it? What did the Lord Duke say?"

Daves turned around and kicked it up, "Grandma's, good, not good."

The subordinates got up from the ground, not caring about the pain, and asked eagerly, "What's going on? Are we going to be transferred back to England? I don't want to go back!"

Back, England he was a slave.

"No! Do you know the identity of the Lynn we kidnapped?"

"Lynn? That old-fashioned kid? Isn't he the illegitimate child of a prostitute?" The subordinate said nonchalantly.

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