May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1551: I'm the owner

Although General Xing was on an equal footing with General Ni in Feng's house, he was mainly responsible for handling matters that were hidden from view. Therefore, the real power in his hand is much greater than that of Director Ni, and the power and external awareness that can be deployed is not comparable to that of Director Ni.

He is the real one who says one thing.

Even Feng Jianxi did not dare to confront him face to face.

"Manager Xing, what are you doing?"

"You let me go."

"Catch it back first and hand it over to Mister."

It could not be said that everyone was taken away, embarrassed and embarrassing.

Manager Ni's face was white when he saw Mr. Xing coming in, the blood from his ears flowed to his face, and his clothes looked terrible.

"Lao Xing," he shouted with a trembling voice.

Manager Xing shook his head in disappointment, "You have been cautious all your life, how did you make mistakes when you are old?" It really disappointed him too much.

Last time, my husband ordered that all the young masters who did not go home that day would be driven out of the family. As a result, most of them went back. He asked to find out the inner ghost, and Lao Ni also cleaned it up.

Afterwards, he reported to his husband, who just smiled indifferently. He didn't understand it at the time, but now Mr. Thinking must have known that the person who leaked the news privately was Lao Ni himself.

"Specifically, go to your husband and explain it in person!"

"I...I...Yes." Manager Ni closed his eyes and didn't ask others to take his own initiative to leave.

Sheng Ning, Xu Qigang, Gu Yunbo and Director Xing were left in the box.

"This is Master Xu?" Director Xing walked up to Xu Qigang, and the gentleman bowed: "Long admiring the name." When he came, he was still guessing who was the force that has caused the turmoil of the United States recently. It's so spicy and clean.

Xu Qigang didn't like the courtesy of the businessman, facing Manager Xing, he just frowned slightly and looked at him.

"Ms. Sheng Ning, I'm sorry to shock you."

"It's okay, thank you, Mr. Xing." Sheng Ning is very polite to Mr. Xing. This person has helped her before and has never been wicked towards her. "Please help me tell my grandfather uncle, I'll be the head of the Feng family."

She was talking about the owner, not the heir.

Since she can't avoid it, just accept it. She doesn't believe that she will be controlled by others everywhere.

Manager Xing was so excited, his fingers were shaking.

"Okay, great! I will go down to preside over the auction first, and you will sit down first."

"I'm with you." Gu Yunbo ran away in a hurry. Ever since Xu Qigang came in, she was like a one-kilowatt electric light bulb, which was an eye-catching sight.

As soon as the door of the box was taken by Manager Xing from the outside, Sheng Ning was caught off guard by Xu Qigang and pressed it on the chair of the Grand Master.

"I miss you." His tall nose pressed against the tip of her nose, and the breath that he exhaled with a touch of tobacco smell was really so **** and seductive.

Sheng Ning looked at him fascinated, biting her lip nervously.

Xu Qigang's gaze was tightly squeezed on her pink lips, and she saw her unconscious little movements rolling up and down unconsciously.

"Xiaoning." He shouted hoarsely, and then kissed her lips violently and eagerly.

The two entangled for a long time, until Sheng Ning couldn't stand him anymore and then reluctantly let go of her, and the outside auction had already begun.

"The auction has begun." She whispered.

"I know." Someone's voice was hoarse, and he put his arms around her slender waist and slid into her clothes dexterously.

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