May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1552: Where is your man here

"Qi Gang." She couldn't help it, pushing his hard chest with both hands trying to resist, "Not here."

"I know." Someone's eyes flashed like stars, "but I can't bear to let you go."

"I mean, if the door of our box is not opened after the auction begins, it will be a joke." Sheng Ning's blush was like a cloud of fire.

"Follow it! Whatever others say."

Sheng Ning smiled like a small fox in her eyes, "I remember that you weren't like this before, and didn't dare to hold my hand in front of others."

Xu Qigang touched his nose uncomfortably, resolutely not admitting that this was something he had done before.

"I'm going to open the door." He stood up on his own initiative, and just opened the box door, Beyat already waved at him from the opposite side.

"Hi... I am here, I am here."

Xu Qigang expressionlessly returned to the position next to Shengning and sat down. Ignoring Beyat completely, is he blind, will he not see that big living person?

"Who is this person?"

The doors of each box on the second floor were opened, and it was clear who was sitting inside.

Sheng Ning had been curious about the people she was facing before, but now she saw that there were all blonde men inside. One of them looked wild and looked like a monkey, and the other was extravagant and how did she feel familiar?

Sheng Ning tilted his head and stared at the Lord Duke on the opposite side for a long time. As a result, she ignored the man next to her, and at the moment she had knocked over the jealous jar, her fists creaked.

"Don't look, your man is here!" Xu Qigang turned her head back in a dull voice, forcing her to look at herself alone, "What's so beautiful? Not as good as I am."

Xu Qigang had never cared about looks before, but now he suddenly found that men are good-looking and very good. At least don't worry about the wife staring at other men.

Sheng Ning looked at it carefully, "To be honest, although you look good, it is beautiful!" Her man is a hormonal explosion, and she is not the same type as the other party.

"Even so, it's not as good as Meng Fan." Xu Qigang looked like my brother's best in the world, and seemed very proud.

"Listening to you, I am even more curious about Meng Fan. By the way, I have never seen his photos. When will you show me his photos?"

"Don't show it, no." Even if he was a brother, he couldn't bear it.

Xu Qigang squeezed her chin firmly and sealed her lips until she kissed her breathlessly.

"Next time, you can only see me alone."

It was the first time that Sheng Ning was kissed in full view. She was embarrassed and couldn't raise her head. Instead, Xu Qigang looked around calmly and freely, even paying attention to the auction situation below.

"The dagger on the stage, Gu Yunbo seems to be very interested." He observed carefully, and at a glance, he could see Gu Yunbo who was sitting underground when he saw the eyes closed when he was brought up.

The dagger on the booth, Hanguang Zhanzhan is indeed a weapon of magic weapon. Xu Qigang squinted slightly, and a strong cold light suddenly burst out of his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Ning asked in surprise when he noticed his abnormality.

"This dagger belongs to Meng Fan." Xu Qigang clenched his fists tightly, because the knuckles were bleached abnormally because of too much force. "At the beginning, on the battlefield, we didn't find it, but we didn't expect to come here. This is something passed down from the Meng family, cutting iron like mud."

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