May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1558: No responsibility in previous lives (7)

"Su Hai." Meng Ping's eyes were red, and he shouted angrily, "" His expression slowly twisted, his hands clenched into fists.

If Su Hai is not his cheap uncle, if Su Hai is not the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, he must kill him now.

Su Hai glanced over Meng Ping's appearance, and raised his eyebrows slightly, "What? Are you distressed?"

"You shouldn't do this." Meng Pingqiang suppressed the hatred and magma-like anger in his heart, and said word by word: "From then on, you are my enemy."

"As for?" Su Hai said lightly: "How many years have passed since? You don't tell me that I almost forgot. Besides, you abandoned her back then, can you blame me?"

"I..." Meng Ping seemed to have suffered a huge blow, and his body couldn't help taking a step back. "I...I..." He didn't expect it, he didn't expect it at all.

For so many years, no one knew that he had been secretly looking for Shengning.

Because of his face and his so-called dignity, he was embarrassed to look for people with great fanfare.

He has been searching for so many years, so long...Unexpectedly, he was in prison. Unexpectedly, the information was listed as top secret, sadly he couldn't find it.

Back then, he was an unruly wanderer. After chasing to Shengning, she soon felt that she was stupid, she was stupid, and she made trouble without reason. He has always regarded Sheng Ning as one of his many women.

I didn't take it to heart at all, and it was natural to have other women later. But he counted everything, and he didn't count how Sheng Ning stabbed him because he had another woman.

This made him extremely angry, and he wanted to kill her.

Later, she was gone after she was discharged from the hospital. Everyone said that she took the money and left.

Meng Ping had been searching for that period of time, trying to find her to teach her a lesson, and tortured severely. Later, if you can't find it, it becomes obsession. After a long time, she will always appear in his mind, still looking like twenty years old.

After so many years, it has never faded.

He is old, and her smile in his heart is vivid and beautiful as a flower. When the company veterans had to come to him to discuss the issue of heirs, he realized that he liked Shengning.

If you don't like it, why haven't you had children for so many years?

Because he had promised her when he pursued her.

Give her a child.

Without knowing it himself, this promise was already carved into the deepest part of his heart. He had forgotten it, but his heart still remembered it.

It's not that he can't give birth, and he doesn't want it, just because the woman who gave birth is not Shengning.

"Okay, go back! I'm very busy." Su Hai flipped through the file in front of him, frowning slightly.

Meng Ping slammed a fist on the desk and gritted his teeth and said: "You have harmed Shengning for the rest of your life and you have harmed me for the rest of your life. I will never give up this account. All of you will wait for me, you , Su Yun, Qin Cuifen and Hailan, I will not let them go."

Su Hai could no longer remain unmoved.

Meng Ping, the demon king of the world, has done what he said since he was a child. The energy he has now is no longer what it used to be, and he has to pay attention to it.

"Meng Ping, are you crazy?" Su Hai scolded angrily.

"I'm crazy. I didn't see her the last time. I didn't see her the last time. Can I not be crazy? What right do you have to control everything about me? Who gives you the right?"

"This is for your own good, that woman wants to kill you."

"I died in her hands, I am willing."

"Ha ha ha..." Su Hai sneered, "You didn't say that back then. What you said back then was to kill her personally. We locked her up to avoid your mistakes."

Su Hai's words are the most embarrassing and regrettable past for Meng Ping.

Make him want to live, make him want to hurt himself and vent his anger.

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