May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1559: No responsibility in previous lives (8)

"I was a bastard, okay?" Meng Ping said in disgust.

"You are a **** either back then or now." Su Hai lighted himself a cigarette and smoked it slowly. Looking at the cheap nephew's desperate look, I guess it was really annoying this time.

Speaking of which, Meng Ping has no children yet! I had never thought of the reason why he refused to have a child before, and I didn't expect the crux of it to lie here. If he knew that Meng Ping would regret it, he would have closed his eyes with Sheng Ning.

However, the person is already dead. Sheng Ning was just a little country girl at first, and no one would take her life and death to heart. For Su Hai, it doesn't matter.

Even if Meng Ping came to him now, he wouldn't look at it.

"Su Hai, wait." Meng Ping slammed his words and left, but Su Hai called out.

"Hold on, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Why? Want to defend yourself?" Meng Ping sneered, "I may not be able to move you now, but I can move other people first, such as your sister and your niece."

"You are not courageous." Su Hai put the remaining half of the cigarette in the ashtray and pressed it out. "Meng Ping, now that you regret the pain in your heart, you can take for granted all your mistakes to others. ?"

Meng Ping could hardly stand.

"Many of us can't get rid of the matter of Shengning, but the ultimate problem is still with you. If you don't care about you, who can hurt her? I calculated her?"

"Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it..." Meng Ping yelled hysterically, holding his temples. "If you didn't unite and keep me in the dark, how could I have not been there for so many years? turn up?"

After hearing this, Su Hai nodded in agreement. "Yeah! What you said makes sense."

"By the way, I think you can also talk to Miss Feng Xintong. She also participated in that year."

"She?" Su Hai's words caused Meng Pingru to be struck by lightning. He didn't expect to have a relationship with Feng Xintong. "Speak clearly, why did she deal with Shengning?"

Su Hai touched his chin, and then he meditated for a while and said slowly: "About, she has already seen your heart back then. After all, you were crazy in love back then, and it's normal to deal with your rivals."

Su Hai did not take action when he framed the middle link of calculating Shengning. A few women can do things well, and what he does is the last link, defining the incident as a top secret file.

"damn it."

"Meng Ping, you played games with flowers all your life with women, but you didn't expect to be played with by women in the end." Su Hai smiled happily.

"It's better than being a bachelor in your life."

Su Hai, an old fox, rarely changed his complexion, "Go!" He hasn't married for life, so what? Who dares to say something?


Military district compound

Now is a material society, no less scarce than in the past. Su Yun has already retired. As the wife of the army commander, she has many privileges. With her natal power, she has already become the most powerful voice in this circle.

In normal times, Su Yun will hold many gatherings, both private and charitable. Anyway, it is the set that the wives of the upper class abroad like to play, and she also likes to imitate.

Before Saturday and Sunday, the Xiangshan Mansion next to the military district compound is her main place to go. Today is no exception. The friends in the circle and some juniors have a good relationship with her.

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