In the seaside villa, Sheng Ning was rushed back by Xu Qigang as soon as she got up from the bed.

"Honey." He hugged her and didn't let her go. "We are obviously legal couples, why do we still sneak up every time we are together?" He was aggrieved.

Sheng Ning chuckled, "You deserve it!" There are three children in the family, as well as Aunt Feng and Yunbo Gu. The place is so small it is really inconvenient for the two of you to have fun.

Xu Qigang's kiss fell finely on her snow-white skin, and the entanglement seemed to never be enough.

"I really want to go back." Sheng Ning was afraid that he would not leave now, so he would really have to go back in the afternoon like last time.

"I have something to do when I go back!"

"I know." He finally let go of her, his eyes filled with fine light, which can make people sink into it. "I will send you back."

"Then you still don't let me go?"

"Reluctant." He hugged her tightly in his arms, and said dissatisfied: "Why are you so cruel? Can you give me up?"

These words made her want to hehe his face.

"Xu Qigang, you are getting more and more shameless." If she is cruel to let him toss casually? Let him ask for it like crazy?

Her waist is now broken and the pain is the same, okay?

Xu Qigang was finally annoyed when she saw her, but instead his lips grew thicker. The big warm hands on her slender waist gently massaged her. "You are too thin. You should eat more and gain more weight."

"No." She wants to dance, how she dances like Qin Cuifen.

"When I return home, I want to tie you to the waistband every day." He said shamelessly.

" are not afraid of being ashamed?" Sheng Ning could think that if the Living Hades walked there and brought her there, he might be laughed to death.

"Not afraid, I am not afraid of anything compared to losing you."

Hearing his tone was deep, Sheng Ning's eyes were slightly moist. She lay down in his arms, her ears pressed against his heart, and she felt at ease in her heart when she listened to his powerful heartbeat.

"Qi Gang." She whispered, feeling the safety he brought and the happiness trembling from the depths of her soul.

In this life, she can follow him, can love him, what is not satisfied?

Sheng Ning suddenly felt that she was full of power, no matter what she faced, she would not be afraid, let alone feel hard. Because no matter what kind of hardship and fear, she can get salvation and make up from him.

"Huh?" Xu Qigang's hand patted her back again and again, so cautiously.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable somewhere?"

"No." Sheng Ning shook his head, "I'm thinking, how about applying for transfer when we return to China?"

"Don't like dancing?" Xu Qigang's eyes flashed with surprise. Although he was very happy that Xiao Ning could have more time with her when he changed his career, this was her pursuit.

He can't bear to deprive her of her hobby.

"I don't like you for giving up your hobbies because of other things."

"I only like you." Sheng Ning opened his mouth and bit on his chest. The strength must be used to leave a tooth mark.

But Xu Qigang didn't even frown, but smiled like a fool.

"Xiaoning, my hobby is only you."

"Don't you still have a little sister?" Sheng Ning suddenly realized that he was jealous with his daughter. It is said that the daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life, then does she have a love rival with herself?

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