Ugh! It seems better to be a son.

Everyone likes the little sister, and the little brother will follow the child she picked up. She, the mother, must love the little brother more, or the little brother will be too pitiful.

"Little sister, it was because you gave birth!" Xu Qigang couldn't help kissing her again. "Go, I really want to send you back."

The two got up to freshen up and put on clothes. Xu Qigang drove her all the way to the door of the Victoria Theatre. It was late at night, and even the bustling Broadway Street was quiet, only occasional cars passed by and drunk drunks slept crookedly on both sides of the road.

Xu Qigang closed the car door and followed her in.

"Huh?" Sheng Ning couldn't help exclaiming, "Why are you following up? Didn't you send me back?"

"I'm your man, why don't I sleep with you?" Xu Qigang was innocent.

"Then you... Then you took me to the beach house?"

Xu Qigang touched his nose uncomfortably, and righteously said: "It's not convenient to work here."

"You... rascal." Sheng Ning thought of him taking himself to the beach house, and he pushed directly behind the door as soon as he opened the door.

All the way to the room, to the bathroom.

On the bed, on the carpet, in the bathtub, their crazy figures and traces of love were everywhere.

"Ahem..." Sheng Ning's face flushed. Such an intense scene is indeed not suitable for coming here.

"Let's go!" He took the initiative to hug her upstairs, four rooms upstairs. Among them, Sheng Ning lives in the largest master bedroom, and a small baby room is also arranged inside, so that someone can take care of the children at night.

When the two passed by the living room, Gu Yunbo's room was pushed aside with a pop. Standing at the door with sleepy eyes, she saw the two people embracing each other, and instantly had the urge to cover her eyes.

"Spicy eyes." Gu Yunbo felt that he must be blind.

She remembered that when she saw Xu Qigang years ago, she was completely an ice cube. The power of this love is so great. No, this can no longer be said to be great, this should be said to be a miracle.

It is definitely the eighth wonder of the world.

She was suddenly curious, what would it be like if Meng Fan fell in love with a woman? Will it also be like the Living Hades?

Gu Yunbo shook his head, suddenly awake from this conjecture. I can't think about it anymore, absolutely can't think about it anymore, she is really crazy twice after thinking about it.

In fact, during this period, Gu Yunbo did not dare to go to bed at night. She could see Meng Fan as soon as she closed her eyes. This dream is so beautiful and intoxicating. If it weren't for her strong willpower and iron-blooded psychological defense, she might really be lost.

Even so, she was still afraid. She is afraid that one day she will really be crazy, either in a dream or in reality.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Sheng Ning looked at the clock on the wall. Gu Yunbo's work and rest are very stable. If he doesn't go to the casino to watch the scene, he would already be asleep at this time.

"Wait for you." Gu Yunbo took out the dagger from his body and waved at the two of them, "It's good, I'll accept it."

"You like it."

After greeted the two parties in their respective rooms, Xu Qigang, who had been silent when Gu Yunbo closed the door, suddenly said, "This dagger belongs to Meng Fan, do you know?"

In this meeting, he did not say that Meng Fan had been crazy about looking for Gu Yunbo. Because Meng Fan is dead, these things don't make any sense anymore.

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