May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1575: Your arrangement

"Wait..." Su Hai's words sounded abruptly, his slender fingers tapping rhythmically on the red sandalwood table in front of him, making a clear and pleasant sound.

Everyone's eyes moved to him.

"Uncle." Su Hai said slowly: "I have questions."

Mr. Feng looked at him seriously, "Say!"

"I saw a mixed-race girl in the living room before." Su Fox's observational power is so keen, and as a politician's greatest ability is to have a keen sense of smell for conspiracy calculations.

When he saw a mixed-race girl among the yellow race in a room, he knew it was not a coincidence. You must know that his uncle was one of the parties who was scolded by the old man every day.

If it's ordinary people, ghosts don't believe it.

"I want to know your arrangements, Uncle."

Su Hai's words made the study quiet instantly, and even Director Xing showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Sheng Ning quietly gave Su Hai a thumbs-up, and Su Huli was really good.

"This is what I intend to train for Ningning to be the manager." Mr. Feng did not have any guilty conscience or uncomfortable, and said frankly: "We Feng family has always had a tradition of cultivating a manager. Ningning needs to have Such a manager. After all, Manager Xing is not too young to serve the Feng family all the time. And the child Xin Tong, I have been investigating for a period of time, is not a good seed."

"It is indeed a good seedling." Sheng Ning couldn't help but said: "But I'm afraid I can't afford it." She has always been very careful about Feng Xintong.

Since Grandpa Uncle is still pretending not to know, then she can just say it!

"Feng Xintong can make Feng Zhenzhen not a man or a ghost, and he can make Feng Jianxi disappear in Feng's house from now on. How dare I use such a person?" Sheng Ning is most angry about this, something she even knows, she I don't believe Mr. Xing doesn't know, and Grandpa Uncle doesn't know.

Everything is nothing but grandpa's connivance, indifferent!

"Xin Tong is a double-edged sword. Whether you can use it well depends on your own ability." Mr. Feng didn't deny it at all. His words had already expressed his attitude.

"It's a double-edged sword." Sheng Ning sneered, with a scorching flame burning in his eyes, "Since it's grandpa uncle what you meant, I will stay with this double-edged sword."

"Trust me, all of this is for your good, and for our Feng family."

"Maybe what you said is right." Sheng Ning got up and bowed slightly to Mr. Feng, "Then let's leave first."

"Come and see me more." Mr. Feng's attitude has not changed from beginning to end, peaceful, tolerant, and kind.

"Yes! Grandpa Uncle."

Shengning took the lead. Xu Qigang followed her out in silence. Su Hai got up and smiled, "Uncle also asks you to protect your body. I will come to see you often."

"You kid, it's not the same as when your father was young." Mr. Feng quipped.

"My eldest brother is like a father, and I am like my mother."

Mr. Feng was taken aback by Su Hai's answer, with a trace of blankness and blankness on his face. When he realized that Su Hai had already left.

"Sir, are you okay?" Manager Xing asked worriedly. When the husband coughed, he clearly saw that he vomited blood again, but he had to bear all this forcibly.

"It's okay."

"I'll call your family doctor!"

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