"No need!" Mr. Feng stopped directly, "I have this problem, it is useless to see a doctor."

Manager Xing got up and poured a cup of ginseng tea for the old man. He watched him drink it before putting a snack.

"Xiao Xing, call the lawyer home tomorrow!"

Manager Xing shook his hand holding the teapot and nodded.

"By the way, sir, I think Miss Xin Tong is ambitious. Is it really good to go on like this?" Mr. Xing felt very uncomfortable by letting her develop.

The things Feng Xintong did secretly, she thought she did seamlessly, but she couldn't hide it from his eyes. This includes releasing Qin Cuifen and instructing her to burn Miss Zhenzhen to death.

Each and every one of these piles is vicious and deep-minded. Putting her by her side is equivalent to putting a poisonous snake by her side. Although she is the granddaughter of the Feng family, it is not uncommon for the grandchildren of the Feng family to die in the hands of the husband.

If such a person is replaced, I don't know how many times he will die before.

"Xiao Xing, don't you think that some of Xin Tong just happened to be missing?"

Mr. Feng’s words gave Manager Xing a stunned, “Sir, what do you mean?” He couldn’t imagine that since Mr. Feng wants to continue to develop the Feng family and make Shengning the head of the family, why should he leave a stumbling block?

"I saw the shadow of me in Xin Tong, but unfortunately she is a mixed race. And now I have Ningning, if I don't have Ningning, maybe I would choose her to be the next Patriarch."

Regarding who is the head of the house, Director Xing has no right to speak. Whoever the husband chooses, then he will continue to serve, and whoever is his new master, even if the husband really chooses Feng Xintong, all he can do is obey the order.

The door of the study opened a corner. At this moment, Feng Xintong was holding a cup of ginseng tea in his hand and wanted to show his affection. When he was at the door, he heard the dialogue clearly in his ears.

She felt scared, scared, excited, and excited about what Grandpa said. Although she had always believed that the things she had done was right, she was afraid that one day they would be exposed.

She was also afraid of being washed away by grandpa ruthlessly.

But she was different. She never knew that she was a special existence in Grandpa's eyes. Grandpa said that she was like him when he was young. What a wonderful compliment and what a happy sentence.

These words are like a booster for her, so that she no longer needs to shy away, so that she can boldly fight for, grab, grab, and take back everything that belongs to her.

She wants to make those unbelievable outsiders fear and tremble.

Feng Xintong's hands holding the tray slammed hard, everything is because of Shengning, even the grandfather said it personally, because of her presence, he blocked his way forward.

It's just a **** that a mixed race can't be the owner of the house. She chose to break this rule. She wanted to kill Shengning. As long as she died, Grandpa would have no other choice.

A bold plan quickly took shape in my mind.


"Which mixed-blood eyes are full of calculations and spitefulness, and he thinks it is a good cover, and treats everyone as a fool." After getting out of the car, Su Hai put his hands in his coat pockets and talked.

Sheng Ning followed, and some fragments flashed in his mind when he heard Su Hai's words. It seems... In his previous life, Su Hai didn't like Feng Xintong very much, and Feng Xintong at that time can say that he has accomplished his cultivation.

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