May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1580: Was taken broken

"Things are here."

"Where is she",

"Something went out, saying that I would not come back tonight."

"it is good!"

Sheng Ning handed the key and the name tag to Demila, "I will give you the stuff. Tomorrow I will transfer you a start-up fund. From now on, all the management, operation and publicity of the theater will be given to you. And me, the complicated thing is Dance drama and performance."

"You can perform?" Demila really didn't expect this beautiful and delicate beauty in front of her to be with herself.

She didn't put Sheng Ning in her eyes when she first met, or said she didn't like her at all. I always feel that she is the daughter of a wealthy family, and doing this is completely boring.

Just squander it casually.

Sheng Ning made a difficult dance rotation, three hundred and sixty degrees, light as a swallow, and she had a fascinating look on her face when she danced. As if she should be born to dance, the stage belongs to her.

Where she is, where is the stage.

Where she stands, it should be where the lights gather.

Demila looked silly, her interest and the industry in which she was engaged had destined her vicious ability to see people. When she saw everything that Sheng Ning showed, she couldn't help but boil with blood.

This is simply a born good seed, except for her talent, she can't think of a more suitable compliment.

And she is so beautiful, especially when dancing, even a woman will have a feeling of shock.

"Okay... That's great." She couldn't help applauding and exclaimed in fascinating expression.

"Sister is awesome." An An applauded along with her. Although she doesn't know how to appreciate, for An'an, all kinds of complicated data, formulas and helpless scientific research projects are more attractive.

Sheng Ning stopped and said triumphantly: "I'm already a married woman who has given birth to a child. It seems that she is not as flexible as before."

"I think your former teacher will definitely be very upset about your childbirth."


The two laughed at each other. Only people with the same interests can understand each other and understand the meaning of Demila's words.


After Demila took the key and left, An An grabbed Sheng Ning's sleeve and stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Sheng Ning suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Don't worry, we sit down and speak slowly."

On the first floor is the lobby of the theater, there are many elegant decks, and the two of them randomly found a position by the window. This time I met the sisters and hadn't really talked about it. She always had various things. Either he was busy taking care of the two children and ignored An An.

"An An, I'm sorry!"

"Why do you say sorry to me?" An An was taken aback, "Did you do something sorry for me? Or did you say you are going to abandon me?"

"..." She should have said that An An has been with the gangster for a long time, and was she also taken away?

"An An, I can't go back to China for the time being, you go back to China first! So I can feel at ease." Sheng Ning has been thinking about this issue, and it is too dangerous for An An to stay in America.

Presumably Hai Yunbing is about to die in a hurry in China, right?

"Moreover, my parents are at home, so I don't worry. They are also very worried about us. The two elderly people are too old to keep them scared."

Thinking of this, Sheng Ning felt very filial.

"What about you? When can you go back?"

"Before the Lunar New Year." Shengning has already planned it. There are still two months before the Spring Festival. During this time, the early stage of the theater will be almost done.

At that time, she would say hello to her uncle and grandpa, it should be okay to go back to celebrate the New Year.

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