May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1581: Won't leave her

"Then are you coming back?"

Sheng Ning thought for a moment, nodded and shook his head.

"I don't know either." A trace of confusion appeared in front of Sheng Ning's eyes, and later shook his head to throw these emotions that shouldn't have been behind. "Promise me, will you return home first?"

The country is always safer than here.

A faint unnaturalness flashed through An An's eyes, and he pulled out his hand from Sheng Ning's, and nodded simply.

"Okay, I will go back tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you." She didn't do anything during this time. After the last banquet, she came into contact with many high-class Americans, such as Mary and others.

There is also Daves. Now that she is the heir of the Feng family, there are too many resources at hand.

She is no longer the poor worm who was caught by the trafficker.

If An An wants to go back, she can directly help her arrange a plane to fly directly from the United States to Hong Kong, and then return by sea from Hong Kong. This is the fastest speed, if she wants, she can also arrange a cruise directly.

"An'an, you must pay attention to safety. You are the pride of our family. Remember that your safety is more important than anything else." In Shengning's heart, An'an has always been the first priority.

She can accept her accident, but she can't accept An An accident.

"Sister, why are you so sentimental?" An An smiled silly.

"I'm not sentimental, I just panicked suddenly." She patted her chest distressedly, always feeling uneasy in her heart, so the lower consciousness will focus on An'an.

"Okay, don't talk about me, brother-in-law and they are all upstairs, so hurry up and have a look!" An An urged.

"Hmm! Aren't you going up?"

"No, I'm almost exhausted after taking it for a long time." Taking two children at the same time, especially when the children can crawl again, she can't afford to be so tired.

"Okay!" Because there is still an appointment with the Duke of Westminster in the evening, she is now going upstairs to prepare.

An An propped his chin with one hand and watched Sheng Ning's smile fade away when she went upstairs. She turned her head and looked out the busy window, thinking about the person who should have appeared in her heart.

She smacked a mist on the glass, and then slowly wrote, unknowingly, all she wrote was Qin Yue's name.

An An pursed her lips, and when she promised her sister to return home, she quietly made up her mind.

These days, she has calculated countless times in her notebook, and she only thinks that Qin Yue may have something wrong.

Having come to the United States alone, Qin Yue could not be completely indifferent. He once sweared that he would chase her wherever she went, no matter where she went.

In this life, in the next life, he will never leave her for life.

She couldn't believe what the little hooligan said, but a voice in her heart told her.

He is serious.

How could he be a good brother with someone like his brother-in-law, how could he really be a glib little hooligan? That's just his appearance.

An An watched the words of Qin Yue disappearing little by little on the glass, and suddenly there was a throbbing pain in his heart, as if he was also disappearing with these names.

She can't wait any longer.

An An stood up abruptly, just as Renault rushed in from outside. Her eyes lit up and stopped Renault.

"What's the matter? What's so anxious?" An An asked with a face as usual, "Is it because the little gangster hasn't found it yet?"

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