May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1582: Help you with your kids

Renault was taken aback, and said in surprise: "You all know?"

"I see." An An realized very calmly and followed Renault's words step by step. She had guessed a lot in her heart, adding that people are already smart and their memory is even more memorable. How could she be indifferent.

In fact, An An's mind is more sensitive and delicate than Sheng Ning.

"Qin Yue has been missing for so long, what happened? Was he caught by the bad guy?"

Reynolds watched vigilantly, and after making sure that there was no one around him, he whispered: "We are investigating. The commander is going to save Qin Yue this evening."

An An staggered and almost didn't stop.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, it's okay." An An shook her head, and said suspiciously: "Who was caught? Where?"

Renault said mysteriously: "Keberg, casino."

The simple five words had already made An An's face pale, and she couldn't help shaking. Now she is not as ignorant as before, especially after being specially recruited into the Weapons Research Institute.

Many people have introduced her to the current international situation, and with her unforgettable ability, she can only be the most militant in the world. Those are the most dangerous, those are devastating and so on.

There is even a list.

And Kerberg was on the list.

"Is it aimed at my brother-in-law? Kerberg wanted to use Qin Yue to deal with his brother-in-law, because only in this way can I give the brother-in-law the most painful blow." An An said slowly, and said under Renault's horrified eyes: " Just like the death of Meng Fan, no, this is more prosperous than Meng Fan's death."

Sheng Ning, who had gone back and forth, heard clearly in the conversation between the two of them, holding on to the handrail of the stairs, did not let her body fall.

However, these alone were not enough, Renault could not wait to rush upstairs immediately when An An followed.

"If the brother-in-law's wife died at the gun of his best brother, what would happen?"

Going crazy!

It must be crazy.

Upstairs, Xu Qigang held his little sister in his arms, watching the little brother crawling on the ground, and after a while he climbed to the ground. Anyway, the ground is covered with a thick blanket, and it doesn't hurt to fall.

Su Hai took his little brother to the bed again very badly, and fell to the ground again after a while.

The two big men are childish like children.

"Not bad!" Xu Qigang was very satisfied.

"Are you sure it's the child's father?" Su Hai teased. He had never seen such an unreliable father. The little brother must have picked it up from the trash.

"Are you sure it's the child's uncle grandfather?" Xu Qigang retorted.

The two big men didn't have a good thing, and Su Hai, the fox, had followed too much. The little brother had fallen so many times, and he actually took him to the bed again and again.

It is clear that I want him to fall more times.


"When the child can walk, I will stay by my side every day." Su Hai said proudly, "I tell you, I can take the child."

"Are you sure?" Xu Qigang made it clear that he didn't believe it, "Don't let the child crooked."

"You think everyone is Meng Ping!" This is questioning his professionalism, "I tell you, Huai'an is where I grew up, how do you think? You can find a second one in our military district compound. Is it a better young man than him?"

Su Huaian is the best publicity to prove that he can bring children.

When the eldest brother was transferred to the Southern Military Region, he would take Huai'an wherever he went before his father retired.

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