May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1596: Qin Family Will Be Crazy

"Not here."

"What do you mean?" Haiyunbing immediately became angry. He waited so long in fear, just to make sure that An An is okay, and now tell him not to.

"Since you are not here, why are you calling me? Your brain is sick, right?" Rao Hai Yunbing is well-trained, and now he can't control his anger.

The confidential secretary was stunned. He...he has been with the Chief of Staff for so long, and has never seen the Chief of Staff get angry and curse!

Today is an eye-opener.

"Okay! Then I'll hang up." Su Huli smiled and was about to hang up.

He is notorious for being insidious, saying that he will really hang up when he hangs up. Hai Yunbing regretted it immediately. An An couldn't answer the phone. He at least had to ask about An An's current situation, or else he really couldn't sleep at night.

"Wait..." Meng Xingzhi hurriedly stopped.

The phone is hands-free and the voice can be heard.

"Commander Meng." Su Hai raised an eyebrow lazily over the phone.

He had already heard what happened when Li Xia's subordinates assassinated Meng Xing, but he didn't recognize Su Yun and Su Hai was very dissatisfied.

No one in the world can recognize Su Yun, but he is unworthy of Meng Xing.

"Su Hai, report the situation!" Meng Xingzhi wouldn't mess with him stubbornly, and no one was Su Hai's opponent.

"Report An An's situation immediately." Hai Yunbing quickly calmed down and ordered with a gloomy face. His position and military rank are above Su Hai. Although he does not belong to the same system now, he can still give orders.

"Yes!" Su Hai just deliberately angered the other party, and now immediately put away and said casually and solemnly: "Everything is going well right now."

"Yes, we know that especially your achievements in diplomacy are outstanding."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already issued a notification letter about this matter, and the high-level military and political circles know about it.

"The exchange mission between Commander Xu and the military, the US Ministry of National Defense and West Point Military Academy has not yet been completed. It is estimated that it will take three months, possibly even longer."

"Why is it so long? Three months is definitely more than enough with Qigang's ability." Hai Yunbing frowned.

"I thought he went to a casino in the United States."

The name of Casino may not be known to most people, but Meng Xingzhi and Hai Yunbing are both very clear. The place with the highest crime rate in the world is a city maintained by the gaming industry.

This is absolutely unimaginable on the mainland.

"Qin Yue has something wrong, Xu Qigang is going to save people."



The office, including the confidential secretary, all showed a surprised look, because Qin Yue's cross-border affairs have been kept secret, and no one knows where he went. Even if Meng Xingzhi and others have guessed, they can't be sure.

Now listening to Su Hai say this, this is the first time it has been confirmed.

"You are too courageous."

"What's going on? To be more specific." Hai Yunbing's brain was running fast, and many solutions had been thought of in a short period of time. First of all, the most difficult to explain is the Southern Military Region and the Qin Family.

Just such a baby bump, if it really died abroad, the consequences would be great.

It is estimated that the Qin family will be crazy.

No matter how good Qin Xue is now, she is still inferior to the cynical little hooligan. Even the blind can see that the little hooligan is the pillar of the Qin family's future, a star with unlimited potential.

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