May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1597: Qin Xue can't

Qin Xue couldn't.

No matter how hard she tries, it won't work.

It is precisely because of her efforts that people clearly see that she can't do it. There is a limit to one's hard work, and the harder he works, the less potential he has. The little hooligan was different. He started from the beginning of his military service. Whether it was training or going to the battlefield, he seemed to play as he pleased, but he never missed it.

And every critical moment can play a more than expected role.

The hope of the Qin family's future lies with Qin Yue.

"Please record it!" Su Hai said calmly.

Everyone in the office clenched their fists when they heard his words, and asked the secretary to pick up paper and pen to prepare for the record. Because this means reporting to the headquarters, this is no longer a matter of asking her daughter’s safety.

Su Hai is serious.

"Since Qin Yue left, none of us have seen it, nor have we received any news. Master Xu has been unable to find anyone to let Renault investigate, and it was finally determined that he fell into the hands of the Soviet Union Kerberg and is currently being held In the casino."



"He... isn't Kerberg dead?" Hai Yunbing said incredulously, "Are you sure it is Kerberg?"

"I remember that Qi Gang's summary report on the mission from the Soviet Union clearly stated that Kerberg had been killed." Meng Xingzhi recalled and asked rhetorically.

"Yes, we were surprised at the news at the time. Master Xu speculated that Kerberg's heart should be the opposite of normal people."

"Damn it." Meng Xing slapped a palm on the table, "Then he is specifically for Qi Gang, and all of you are in danger."

"Yes!" Su Hai leaned back on the sofa and looked at the night view outside the glass window, rubbing his eyebrows irritably when he thought of Ning Ning's worry on the phone just now.

I thought I could return to China soon, but now it seems that the time for all of them to return to China will be delayed. At least it would be more convenient to stay in the U.S. to rescue Qin Yue, and Xu Qigang would also act cheaply.

If you return home, it will be troublesome. The military headquarters and the commander-in-chief would not agree to let the commander of the dignified special combat division personally perform the task, and Xu Qigang would not agree to handing the rescue task to someone else.

Thinking of having so many things to deal with, Su Hai felt that he would be very busy next.

"Also." He paused before saying, "An An just made sure to go to the casino alone."

"What are you talking about? Su Hai, are you telling me once? How did you protect her?" Hai Yunbing yelled at the phone when he heard that An An went to the casino alone to get out of control. For you and Xu Qigang, are you protecting people like this?"

"We have arranged three best bodyguards for her alone. In this case, she can leave. Don't you know what it means?"

"Explain what?"

"Your daughter is a genius. She can't stop anyone from leaving." He didn't have the heart to tell Ning Ning just now, but he wouldn't show mercy in front of Hai Yunbing. "We are in distress now, and the safety of Ningning and the two children cannot be guaranteed. Xu Qigang still went to the casino in such a critical situation, what else do you want?"

"Calm down, you are calm." Meng Xingzhi soothed: "Chief of the General Staff, please calm down. An'an will definitely be fine. You can rest assured that she won't suffer a loss if she is so smart.

"I see. I'm sorry I just lost my mind." An An is his most important person. He would rather die than let An An hurt him.

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