One night passed, Cecil did not go back and stayed in front of Qin Yue's bed all night.

"Cough..." A slight cough sounded and Cecil woke up abruptly. As soon as she looked up, she saw Qin Yue's clear and bright eyes. Her heart was beating wildly, and she was overwhelmed by the fascination of these eyes.

"Are you awake? Are you okay?" She asked excitedly, her expression full of concern.

Qin Yue blinked blankly, and the thick eyelashes gently stroked Cecil's heart like a small brush. She looked at the man in front of her in fascination, how pleasing to her eyes really.

Where can I still remember the original intention of wanting revenge.

She even religiously believed that this was God's compensation for her. He killed her man, so God paid him to herself.

"You... do you remember me?"

Qin Yue thought hard for a while, but as long as he thought about his brain, he wanted to be in pain like fire.

"Ah..." He hugged his head with painful hands.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Cecil shouted loudly: "Doctor, come over here."

"Here, here comes the eldest lady." The doctor quickly came over to check the situation and injected Qin Yue with a tranquilizer.

"Is he all right?"

"I'll be fine after last night. The physical fitness is terrifying." He thought he could not live. "Miss, he has forgotten everything. I suggest you make up a new identity for him."

"It's Odin." Cecil looked at him obsessively, with a shy smile on his lips.

The doctor was surprised. He didn't expect the eldest lady to sink so deeply. It seems that this prisoner will not be able to provoke anyone in the future, and this name represents everything.

"Miss, the boss is looking for it."

The voice of a bodyguard came from outside, and Cecil straightened his hair and walked into Kerberg's room in a charming posture.

"Big Brother." Although she didn't sleep all night, she was even more radiant.

"My sister, it's kind of like that you're fancy hooligan?"

"In the future, he will be called Odin. He will be your most effective assistant."

Kerberg's eyes were gloomy and unclear, and he looked at Cecil gloomily, making people unable to resist a layer of goose bumps behind him. He didn't comment on Cecil's realization during this period, as if he didn't even know it.

He seldom cares how his sister wants to play, as long as it doesn't interfere with his major events.

"Brother, how about the person I asked you to help investigate?" Since Cecil knew that Qin Yue had a beloved woman, he almost went crazy, which also accelerated his possessiveness towards Qin Yue.

This man must be hers, it can only be hers, anyone who has the least thought about it will be frustrated.

"It's a yellow-haired girl named Sheng'an." Kerberg looked at his sister's hot figure, and said in a loud voice: "The little gangster must be blind, or else why would he fall in love with who kind of person."

"I'm going to kill her." Cecil said viciously.

"It's just a yellow girl, nothing compared to you, as long as you are a man, you know who to choose."

Cecil was embarrassed to be praised, but she still hated the woman named Sheng'an in her heart. She is an extremely domineering person, the more serious she is, the stronger her possessiveness.

"Okay! Tame Odin as soon as possible, I'm still waiting for him to be useful."

"Don't worry, big brother, I will definitely tame Odin." Cecil was full of confidence. After leaving Keberg's room, she found her confidant and asked the person who investigated Sheng'an before.

She wants to ask in person.

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