May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1611: You are my main god

"What kind of woman is that?"

"I heard that she is a yellow-haired girl who doesn't understand anything."

Cecil was relieved a lot, "How does it look?"

The subordinate let out a wretched laugh, "Like bean sprouts, it is completely incomparable to you."

Cecil straightened his plump chest, and a smug smile appeared on his lips.

"Where is she now?"

"It's in the United States."

"Great." Cecil stood up abruptly. "Go! Bring me her head."



In the boundless desert, a big jeep is running fast. With a high-powered telescope in his hand, Renault sits or stands on the roof of the car like a monkey, constantly observing the surroundings.

The desert outside the casino is different from other places. It is full of rough sand or stones. As long as there is no hurricane, there will be no sandstorms under normal circumstances.

Visibility is very high on sunny days, as long as anyone can see it all the way.

"Master." Renault shouted from the roof of the car: "Find the target, find the target."


"At nine o'clock, 750 meters."

The driver immediately turned the front of the car and drove far away, and when he arrived at the coordinates, he saw three bodyguards lying on the sand.

Xu Qigang got out of the car and stretched out his hands, still breathing.

"Wake up people."

Renault moved roughly, and the bodyguards were all awakened by pain. Seeing Xu Qigang standing up close at hand with a carp, he quickly saluted him.

"There is no need to salute during special periods."


"Where is Sheng'an?" Xu Qigang asked with a gloomy expression.

"I'm sorry, Master..." The three men lowered their heads in unison.

"We are useless."

Xu Qigang saw what else he didn't understand. An An is so smart that she can leave whoever she wants to leave behind 100%.

"Go back and write a review." The three of them did not belong to the same system with him, and Xu Qigang was too lazy to say anything. Immediately gave the order to move forward quickly. There were bodyguards beside An An who were ready to take charge of safety, but now the bodyguards have also been left behind, and they will be in danger at any time.


The former Qin Yue and now Odin has almost recovered.

Cecil's gentleness and kindness revolved around him all day. If nothing happens, I will take him to admire the night view of the hotel and go to the restaurant on the top floor to enjoy the food at night.

She fabricated a new identity and grew up in the Soviet Union. She has been with Sissel and their sweethearts for many years. Had it not been for the fact that they had not been able to kill the enemy, they would have been married.

The enemy is the living Hades.

This time I came to the United States to avenge the killing of Hades.

As for why Odin lost his memory? All this is because of the Living Hades, he is a wicked villain. Robbed their things and killed their people.

"Odin." Kerberg smiled, "Are you ready?"

Qin Yue moved his wrist, his knuckles snapped, and when Kerberg called his name, he said impatiently: "I'm really Odin? This name is too ugly."

"My dear, this is the name of the main **** in Norse mythology." Cecil confessed affectionately, "You are my main god."

Qin Yue frowned and dropped the knife and fork in his hand, "You eat slowly! I'm full." What kind of food is this! It was terrible to death, and he doubted how he hadn't been poisoned after eating for so many years.

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