May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1612: You fall in love with him

Cecil looked at Qin Yue's back and his eyes were lonely. She successfully made him amnesia and forget everything before, but the result was not as perfect as he had imagined.

He is very impatient with himself, and he has no love at all in his eyes.


"What's the matter, brother?" The expression on Cecil's face gradually solidified, "Why look at me with such a look?"

Kerberg's eyes were suspicious, cold and murderous.

"Cecile, do you know that it is dangerous now? You walk on the edge of a cliff, thinking you are the one who masters the rules, and perhaps in the end you are the one who is mastered by the rules."

"Are you talking about me and the gangster?"


Cecil stared at him, his brain quickly calmed down, but she didn't agree with what her brother said.


"You fall in love with him." Kerberg said categorically: "I want him to fall in love with you, not you in love with him. Look at the good things you have done, and my face will make you ashamed. "

"So what?" Cecil didn't take this matter to heart. For her, whether she fell in love with the little gangster or the little gangster fell in love with her, wouldn't the result be the same?

Is there a difference?

Anyway, he is destined to be his own man, and he can only have his own woman, that's fine.

"How?" Kerberg sneered, "Don't do anything wrong with me, if Qin Yue doesn't help, I will kill you with him."

"..." There was a chill in Cecil's body. She knew that her brother could do what she said, because she was such a person.

"Don't worry, I will never fail." She has never been disadvantaged since she was a child.

There is no failure in her dictionary whether it is studying or tasking.

The same goes for men.

"I hope." Kerberg was not in the mood to continue eating, wiped his hands and stood up and looked down at the desert in the distance, his eyes shining with excitement.

The Living Hades is coming, he is looking forward to it.


As the night darkened, a slender figure walked on the streets of the casino. Those red light districts, bars and casinos were crowded with people, and women leaned on the men's arms like cartilaginous animals, laughing unscrupulously and affectionately.

The slender figure became more and more lonely after passing these places.

"Hi! Beauty." A **** man stopped her from going.

An An raised her head, revealing a white and flawless face under her hooded down jacket.

The **** man's eyes lit up, and he was about to step forward with a wretched smile, but when he stretched his hand in the air, he was grabbed and screamed like a pig.

"Let go, let go!"

Xu Qigang held the **** man's hand and squeezed his arm hard to make a sore bone fracture sound.

"Don't let me go."

" wait, you wait..." The **** man ran away scramblingly, and didn't forget to say harsh words before leaving.

"Brother-in-law, are you here?" An An looked at Xu Qigang who suddenly appeared with a smile, "What should my sister do if you leave?"

Xu Qigang sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand and rubbed the hat on An An's head, "You shouldn't have sneaked out by yourself, you even knocked out the bodyguard."

An An put out her tongue playfully, "They stopped me all the way, and they said they were going to report to their superiors that I was annoying, so they knocked them out."

When Xu Qigang heard her say this, he originally wanted to reprimand him, but in the end he didn't say it.

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