"Thank you, Mr. Xing, for worrying about me."

"Oh! I'm getting old too, so worry about it."

"No, you did a good job."

Sheng Ning handed the Feng family to Feng Zhenzhen, and she would be able to do well with the full support of Manager Xing. After coming out of Feng's Manor, Chen Yingjie followed her, and the two drove to the beach villa.

She believed that Grandpa Uncle would definitely not have a back hand. Uncle had been here before, and that old fox Su Hai would definitely not go to the Palace of Three Treasures.

He will definitely surprise himself.

"Sister-in-law." Chen Yingjie said as he drove, "Is it too dangerous for you to give Feng Zhenzhen so much power?"

"Why do you say that?"

Chen Yingjie showed a disdainful expression, "Feng Zhenzhen is a lunatic. If you put her in Feng's house and you don't retaliate wildly, I will write the words in reverse."

"All I want is her crazy revenge!"


"Chen Ying Chief..."

"Don't call me the battalion commander, I am now the commander."

Sheng Ning laughed out loud. She can still think of what Chen Yingjie said when she was assigned to the fourth battalion training camp of the Wolf Warriors. Ugh! Thinking of this, she missed her motherland and hometown very much.

"When your teacher rescues Qin Yue, we can go home." Sheng Ning said with a smile, and she felt a lot easier thinking about going home.

"do you miss home?"

Chen Yingjie rolled his eyes, his sister-in-law changed the subject so bluntly, it was too skillless. Forget it, in the face of the teacher, he doesn't care.

"We are on a mission outside, why do we want to be homesick?"

"That's right, of course, as a soldier, responsibility is the first thing..." Before Sheng Ning finished speaking, she was suddenly held down by Chen Yingjie, and then there was the sound of bullets breaking glass.

Countless pieces of broken glass are everywhere.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

"We are surrounded. From now on you sit and stay still, I will protect you." At this time, the two men's car was speeding on the highway into the city from the suburbs, but the few roads have been covered by more than a dozen cars. Block the front and back.

Chen Yingjie has very good driving skills, grasping the steering wheel in one hand, and holding a gun in the other to strike back. The car was snaking on the highway, and it was bumped and swayed from time to time by other cars.

"Fools won't move." Sheng Ning took out his gun from his leg, and started to fight back without saying a word. Her marksmanship is simply a big killer at this time, and once a quasi shot is opened, there is absolutely no trace of muddle.

Chen Yingjie was dumbfounded.

"Sister-in-law, it's impressive!"

"Of course." Sheng Ning lowered his head to avoid a bullet, grabbed the gun in Chen Yingjie's hand, and shouted: "You drive seriously, and these people will give it to me."

"Good." Chen Yingjie whistled excitedly, slammed on the accelerator and the car rushed out like an arrow from the string. The road is smooth, and he can always break through all kinds of enemy encirclement, and sometimes he doesn't forget to bump into others.

And Sheng Ning's two guns in hand, it is a big killer. No matter if it's a hot shot at the opponent, the driver or the tire hits exactly one shot, no bullet is wasted.

More than a dozen cars rolled over, collided, and exploded.

And Chen Yingjie's car skills ensure that she will not be hit by enemy bullets when shooting. A special soldier with excellent military quality can know where the bullet is dead and where is the safest with rich experience.

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