May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1628: Third party power

The first time they worked together, the two had a great understanding.

"My sister-in-law is amazing! The teacher can finally rest assured in the future."

"Fortunately, it's in the car. I don't directly fight, so I can take advantage." If she fights directly, her fighting skills will definitely suffer.

"Sister-in-law, give you bullets." Because I was prepared to deal with Feng Xintong before, I didn't expect that Mr. Feng suddenly passed away, disrupting all the plans, but these preparations still came in handy.

There is ample ammunition in the car.

"Thank you."

"Sister-in-law, who do you think these people sent?"

"I don't know, I don't think it was from the Feng family."

"That's..." Chen Yingjie's face changed drastically, "Sister-in-law, sit down, let's go to the beach villa."

If Kerberg sent it, then my nephew would be in danger.

"Su Hai, I believe him."

The two broke through the siege all the way, and when they entered the city, when they saw the mighty motorcade greet them, Sheng Ning's face turned pale. With so many people, she was not confident that she could handle it.

"It's Beyat." Chen Yingjie recognized at a glance that he could drive such an uproarious motorcade and such colorful cars. It is impossible for the male Peacock to have a second person outside of Beyat.

"The teacher must have asked him to save people, but he was too late and it was useless."

The team in front was led by Beate himself, and his face turned green when he arrived at the scene.

"Oh! My God, this is too miserable." There were car fragments in one place and blood everywhere.

"What's the matter?" Xu Qigang's roar came from the satellite phone.

"Brother, don't worry, don't worry." Beyat hurried to appease, the cars of both sides stopped, the enemy was dead, and the two people got out of the car.

Sheng Ning recognized Beate, and he was quietly relieved. The hand holding the gun was sore that he almost lost consciousness and could only move quietly.

"What the **** is going on?" Xu Qigang was almost mad. In this case, the only person who could help him was Beate. Isn't he late?

Thinking of this, he kicked the car violently, and the jeep was suddenly dented.

"It's okay, it's okay that the enemy is all dead." Before Beate said anything, Chen Yingjie snatched the satellite phone in his hand. The two knew each other, and they had a very good relationship in the Soviet Union.

"Chen, your marksmanship is absolutely bullish." Beyat was not angry when he was robbed of the satellite phone, and praised him with his thumbs in both hands.

Chen Yingjie didn't say anything, and handed the satellite phone to Shengning.

Sister-in-law’s sharpshooter skills are better not to let others know too much. Otherwise, what should I do if the male peacock is ashamed to commit suicide?

"Xiaoning, Xiaoning, are you okay?" Xu Qigang asked eagerly.

"I'm fine, how are you? Has Qin Yue rescued it?"

"If you are rescued, you are fine. I am very worried about you."

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself now."

"How can I rest assured." Xu Qigang smiled bitterly, "Wait for me."



Hanging up the satellite phone, the desert outside the casino blew up, and the fine stones were whirled on the ground by the wind, making a harsh sound. After exchanging hostages in the casino, no one could understand his inner anxiety on the way out of the casino.

Can't wait to fly to Xiao Ning immediately.

Obviously everything has been arranged, but he just doesn't worry. Knowing that he heard Xiao Ning's voice in person just a moment ago, he was a little relieved.

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