May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1629: I do not blame you

"Master, sister-in-law is okay!"

"It's okay."

"Master, are you injured?"

"Don't move, I'll take a look for you."

"First deal with Renault, he is more serious."


Before he and Renault attracted Kerberg's attention, the firepower they faced was too concentrated, and everyone was injured. His left shoulder was injured by a bullet, Renault's was slightly more serious, and two ribs were broken.

The two of them didn't change their faces during the whole process. They were wearing black clothes and there was no blood stains. Let alone the enemy, neither of them was injured. It wasn't until the blood stained the ground that it stained the sand.

Xu Qigang pursed his lips, his sharp eyes fell on Qin Yue like a knife. Qin Yue didn't speak on the way, but he knew what Qin Yue was hiding.

Quiet is not the personality of a little rascal.

"I said you can let me go?" Qin Yue's hands are still tied! Although this didn't bother him, he still had to pretend to cooperate with Kerberg's plan.

"Have you treated the captives like this?" he asked lazily.

"What captive?"

"Little hooligan, did you burn your brain?"

"Hahaha..." The crowd burst into roaring laughter.

"Master, classmate Sheng'an is here." A sharp eye saw a car rushing towards them.

This is the meeting point agreed upon before, and An An's three bodyguards will bring her back to meet after they rescue someone.

"Yeah!" Xu Qigang nodded and looked at Qin Yue again.

Qin Yue frowned slightly, but couldn't catch anything in his mind.

"What's the matter with you?" Xu Qigang walked to him, although his expression was still cold, but his eyes had concerns that could not be ignored.


"I'll help you untie the rope first." Xu Qigang endured the pain on his shoulders. The massive blood loss and fighting made his footsteps float slightly, which happened to be the opportunity Qin Yue had been waiting for.

The moment the rope was untied, a sharp saber was illuminated by Qin Yue like magic, and it pierced Xu Qigang's abdomen brightly and coldly.

"No!" The moment An An jumped out of the car, she saw this unacceptable scene at a glance. She stared at her in disbelief, knowing that the blood dripped on the sand along the blood trough of the saber, and quickly stained her feet.

The saber was very long, half of it pierced into Xu Qigang's abdomen, and half was held by his hands.

There was a sharp pain, but he didn't seem to notice it at all.

One of them was holding the handle of the knife, the other holding the blade, and more blood ticked down the blade. When it hits a small stone, it makes a rhythmic sound, faster and faster, and louder and louder, as if it formed a desperate note.

Xu Qigang stared at Qin Yue stubbornly, without the slightest emotion in these eyes.

"I... don't blame you." This is his brother who was born and died, he just temporarily forgot him. He will remember it someday, so he can't let the little hooligan live with guilt.

Just like him, Meng Fan has a lingering shadow all his life.

"Ah..." An An's eyes went dark and almost fainted to the ground.

Everyone was shocked by this scene, and their eyes were almost staring. After an instant, it was a frantic counterattack. Qin Yue's reaction was astonishing, and he rolled on the spot and pinched An An's neck to block her in front of him.

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