May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1630: Commander Qin, you are crazy

"If you don't want her to die, stop me." Qin Yue pinched An An's neck with his left hand, and he could easily break her neck with a little effort.

The girl in her arms was as stupid as she was, desperately held hostage by him and did not move. Instead, she stared at him with beautiful eyes.

"Don't tell me you are in love with me." Qin Yue smiled scornfully, "but I already have a fiancé, so I don't like your bean sprouts."

An An turned his eyes to her brother-in-law in a daze, and then hit back with her elbow, but was easily stopped by Qin Yue.

"Looking for death..." An An's elbow was turned into an incredible angle by him, and everyone was scared in a cold sweat.

"Hold on!"

"Don't hurt her." Everyone was thrown into the rat, and at the same time they were caught off guard by Qin Yue's reaction.

"Little hooligan, if you hurt her, you will regret it, and you will regret it in your life."

Lei Nuo held Xu Qigang who was about to fall to the ground for an instant, and blood rushed out after the saber was pulled out when Qin Yue let go.

Xu Qigang only felt that the heat in his whole body was quickly dissipating. He stretched out his hand to cover the wound, and the red blood soon soaked his fingers, slowly spreading out.

"Master, teacher, how are you? I will take you to the hospital and I will take you to the hospital now." Renault stared at Qin Yue fiercely as he was crazy and said, "I want to kill you, I want to kill you." ."

Qin Yue frowned and pinched An An's hand unconsciously to loosen it a bit. Why is everything in front of me so strange, what they say, their eyes and expressions are all very strange.

"Head Qin, are you crazy?"

"What are you calling me?" Qin Yue asked defensively. It's messed up, it's all messed up... No, Sissel said that they would definitely lie to him. But the look in his eyes can't deceive anyone. When he stabbed the king alive, the emotion in his eyes was so real.

Suddenly, Qin Yue frowned in pain.

His mind pierced and he didn't know who said it was true and who said it was false.

"I'm not called Qin Yue, and I'm not a leader of Qin." He roared angrily: "Shut up, if anyone dares to say one more word, I will kill her."


Xu Qigang endured bursts of dizziness and raised his hand to stop everyone from speaking.

Qin Yue looked at him in astonishment, even if he had dodged his stab at the critical moment, he hadn't fainted or died for so long, his physical fitness was simply terrifying.

No wonder people who can make Kerberg jealous.

Ugh! The task this time is to kill him, it would not be easy to explain if he didn't die.

Qin Yue was very upset in his heart. He was originally a free and easy character, and he had long seen Kerberg very upset. Now there was confusion in his mind, and he couldn't help but start thinking.

"Let me go, or we'll die together." He licked his lips, showing an arrogant smile, pinching An An's hand and breaking her neck at any time.

"Qin Yue what happened to you?"

"You tell us."


"Did you have amnesia? Or did Kerberg torment you?"

Qin Yue was furious, why are these people so annoying? Doesn't it mean that the military is high in quality? Why chatter like ducks one by one.

"You've just lost your memory, I'm very good." He wouldn't talk about the embarrassing thing like amnesia. And now he doesn't believe anyone, he only believes what he saw with his own eyes and the truth he found out.

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