May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1631: An An was held hostage

Xu Qigang has been observing Qin Yue's actions. From the time he started assassinating himself, he knew that Qin Yue in front of him was no longer the same Qin Yue. Certainly what happened during this time, otherwise he couldn't be like this.

"Master, let's go to the hospital first!" Renault was so anxious that his eyebrows were burning, and the teacher's injury would be fatal.

"It's okay." He did it himself, using first aid gauze to plug the blood from the wound. All scouts use basic first aid measures, especially those who are on the verge of life and death like Xu Qigang.

"Master!" Renault's voice changed in anxious state. The bleeding of so much blood would definitely hurt his life. Every minute of delay would put his life in danger.

Xu Qigang took a deep breath. His strong willpower could no longer support his shaky body. He couldn't put his whole body weight on Renault.

"What is your name?" He knew what kind of person Qin Yue was in his bones. It shows that the upper gangster is cynical, and he is actually a very vigilant person inside.

In an unfamiliar environment, his defense is terrifying.

"I only need to know who you are. As for me, forget it."

"Master, don't waste time." Renault urged.

Others also understood that the teacher was taking risks with his own life, trying to figure out what happened to the little gangster.

"It's the teacher, don't worry about this bastard."

"He has gone bad."

"He betrayed the organization, betrayed his vows, and even betrayed our brother."

"Let...let him go, protect..." Xu Qigang finally couldn't help but fainted.


Sheng Ning and Chen Yingjie exchanged simple greetings with Beyat, and hurried to the beach villa. She knows that Su Hai and Gu Yunbo are more reliable than her, but she is not assured if she is not sure with her own eyes.

Beyat is a person who likes to join in the fun, not to mention that he has already expressed his position with someone just now, and Kerberg will get news if he is not dead. At this time, it was absolutely impossible to get away, but fortunately, I also went to the beach villa with me.

The group of people was mighty, and they could smell the pungent **** smell before they got close. When they got off the highway, they lay many corpses on the beach, even the white beach turned red.

Beate wanted to cry without tears, "God! This is the sand I have brought from Hawaii."

Chen Yingjie added disdainfully, "I think you are a fool." He spoke Mandarin, but Beate understood it.

Since returning from the Soviet Union last time, he has practiced Mandarin,

"Chen, what did you say? You say it again?" Beyat was ready to discuss with Chen Yingjie.

Sheng Ning could see what was unreliable, and he quickly pushed the door and walked towards the villa with a gun in his hand.

Chen Yingjie directly ignored Beate and quickly followed him. He was even faster to help Sheng Ning eliminate the danger in advance and rushed to the villa the first time.

Chen Yingjie first raised his gun and fired three consecutive empty guns into the sky. This was the secret signal agreed upon before.

As soon as he heard the gunshots, Su Hai came out from the inside with a smile, wearing a white woolen sweater that looked warm and welcoming.

Beatr's eyes straightened instantly.

"It's better for the United States. He doesn't even scruples about shooting and killing people." Su Hai seemed very satisfied with his masterpiece.

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