May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1632: Little brother eccentric

Chen Yingjie handed him an expression that said yes, I agreed.

"The child is okay, go in! Gu Yunbo is watching!" Su Hai shrugged, and Sheng Ning rushed in impatiently.

Beyat wanted to follow up, but Su Hai reached out and stopped him.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh! I am Xu's good brother."

"British?" Su Hai is like a serious parent. No matter how you look at it, he feels that this Beate is not a good person, so don't take Xu Qigang out.

How about he go there to find a good husband for Ningning?

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm Beate."

"Oh! The Westminster family." Su Hai is very well informed, and recently in the United States, no one knew about the arrival of the Duke of Westminster and the Earl of Beate.

All the newspapers and magazines, the Hollywood fashion industry and the two major members of Congress are discussing everything about the Westminster family.

Su Hai was forced to listen to a lot of news, such as how noble the family is, how long its history is, and how brutal it was during the colonial period.

Sheng Ning ran inside and saw that the two little babies were okay. The little brother was crawling on the thick wool carpet, chasing a small ball and having fun.

The little sister was quiet a lot, sitting on the ground holding a cute bear doll in her hand, making people want to rush to kiss her.

There were blood stains on Sheng Ning's body. In addition, the two children didn't come forward because of the fear of being killed in the shooting hand.

"What..." The little brother saw her coming, and at a glance he recognized that the drool of mother's laughter came out. He raised his hands to let Sheng Ning hold him, still shouting slurred in his mouth.

Sheng Ning's heart suddenly broke, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"Is it my mother? Is my little brother calling my mother?" God! She rubbed her eyes, her unbelievable eyes were red.

Gu Yunbo also widened his eyes, surprised and delighted, "Little brother is really partial, I just protected you so much, I didn't even know to call Auntie."

"Hahaha...I'm my mother!" Sheng Ning was sitting on the carpet, teasing her little brother one meter away, "My dear son shouted again."

No matter how she teased, the little brother didn't shout. Sheng Ning refused to give up and turned to tease the little sister, but this stupid girl seemed to be not as shrewd as the little brother and knew nothing.

It's half a year old!

I'm probably going to walk back when I get back to the mainland.

"How did you deal with those killers just now?" Sheng Ning was surprised.

"It's all the credit of your uncle." Gu Yunbo gave a thumbs up, "I'm so awesome, I won't dare to call him Su Fox from behind."

Gu Yunbo feels that some people are born to step on the soles of all beings, such as Meng Fan and Su Hai. She was not familiar with Su Hai when she was not abroad before, but she could hear legends about him when she walked there.

No one knows the name of Su Fox, but no one dared to say bad things about him. He didn't dare to say anything secretly. At most, he looked at you in his heart.

The IQ is high, even if you have more minds, the strength value is not weak.

Didn’t he say that he was a civil servant?

"Your uncle seems to know that someone is coming, and he has set up an ambush around the villa long ago." Gu Yunbo whispered, "Are you okay? We are still worried about you!"

"It's okay! There will be no such thing in the future." When she took over the Feng family, the first thing she would take over was the security department directly under the owner. Uncle grandpa's business is more than half a world, and Feng's security department should not be underestimated.

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