May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1633: Fallen leaves return to roots

"How is your uncle grandpa?"


"..." Gu Yunbo didn't say a word, and she didn't bother to take care of the muddy water in the Feng family.

It didn't take long for the battlefield outside to be cleaned up, and even the sand was washed into a white color by the sea. When Sheng Ning changed clothes, she saw Su Hai sitting under the coconut tree and beckoning to her.

"Ningning, come over."

"Uncle thanks to you this time."

"It should be." Ningning was kidnapped before, and he failed to protect him. If he didn't do well this time, he would have any face for Su Hai to see the old man in the future.

"I've heard your performance, it's pretty good, the old man knows that he must be happy."

Sheng Ning lowered her head in shame, "It's far behind uncle."

"I have eaten more food for so many years than you, normal."

Sheng Ning raised her head and glanced at Su Hai, thinking that you had a black belly when you were young, and it has nothing to do with your age.

"Chen Yingjie told me about the Feng family just now. It was a wise decision for you to hand over the Feng family to Feng Zhenzhen. She is now the first sword in your hand, and if you master it, you can be invincible."

"I learned from you."

Su Hai laughed blankly. Was he scolded by his niece?

"Yes, this is a will handed to you by the old man." Su Hai took out a ball of rice paper from his body and threw it over.

Sheng Ning couldn't help but glared at Su Hai, "This is a will, how can you rub it like this?"

"I'm already enough to give him face, if the old man knew that I would take care of him, he would be furious."

Sheng Ning thought of her grandpa with a warm smile, "I think grandpa must be holding the uncle and grandpa, making a quarrel very fierce!"

Su Hai imagined this scene of an old man fighting in his mind, and immediately shook his head, shaking his goose bumps to the ground.

The ball of paper unfolded, and on it were two vigorous and powerful calligraphy.

"Come back home?"

Sheng Ning read it out in a low voice. If it hadn't been handed over to her by her uncle, she couldn't believe it was the will of her grandpa this time. But she repeated the word home several times, and gradually she understood what the uncle grandpa meant.

What Grandpa Uncle wants is not only for him to go home, but also for Feng to go home.

More than half a century ago, how the United States came, how to turn its focus back home in the future.

The tree is a thousand feet tall, and the fallen leaves return to the roots.

How can such a stubborn old man be disliked?

Perhaps Manager Xing got the news and sent someone to rush over. He was relieved to see that Shengning was fine.

"Patriarch, you can't go out alone in the future, and you must move back to the manor, where security is the best."

"It's the best, Feng Zhenzhen won't be burned like that."

Mr. Sheng Ning’s words caused a momentary embarrassment on Mr. Xing’s face, and he said helplessly: “Patriarch, please trust me.”

"I understand." She wasn't a fool, and she didn't understand anything else. Mr. Xing’s expression just now became clear. Feng Zhenzhen was burnt to the point of being under the eyes of his and grandpa uncle.

In other words, all of this was acquiesced by the uncle's grandfather.

What a cruel family, I don't know if Feng Zhenzhen knows it. She is not a fool, she should know it in her heart, facing such a cruel reality, she feels distressed for her.

In the end, Sheng Ning left with Manager Xing, and the two little babies stayed at the beach villa and let Gu Yunbo take care of them. After she has cleaned up everything in the Feng family, Mr. Feng's funeral is completed and he is taking the two children over.

There are many things to be busy next.

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