"By the way, help me inform Demila that the Victoria Theatre can start to open, and I will give her one month to make preliminary preparations." Sheng Ning confessed before leaving.

Gu Yunbo was about to answer, and Director Xing had already said respectfully: "Patriarch, I will send someone to inform!"

"Alright!" She will not be able to adapt to the identity of Patriarch for a while.

After Sheng Ning left, the unhurried smile on Su Hai's face immediately disappeared, "Chen Yingjie, go to the casino." There was a faint tremor in his voice.

Just left Chen Yingjie, for this.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yingjie, who was teasing her little brother, ran out wearing only a sleeveless undershirt. Bronze skin and strong muscle lines can make people feel enthusiastic and energetic in this winter.

"Something happened to the teacher?"

"Yeah!" Su Hai nodded sternly, "Don't tell Ning Ning for now."

"I know." Su Hai put on his clothes and asked about the situation calmly, "Is there something wrong with that link? This is unlikely! I was thinking before that if it could affect our teacher, it must be the sister-in-law and the others. caught."

But everything is fine on their side, and Kerberg has no hostage to threaten the division commander.

"No." Su Hai shook his head, "It's Qin Yue, he rebelled."

"What are you kidding? It's impossible for a gangster to rebel." Chen Yingjie didn't take this seriously. Anyone could rebel, but the gangster would definitely not.

Most people rebel either for fame or for profit, but hooligans have everything, and there is no possibility of rebellion.

He wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

"Hurry up! Xu Qigang was stabbed by the little gangster, and he was also robbed by the little gangster."

"I wipe it!" Chen Yingjie couldn't keep calm anymore, putting on his clothes and preparing to drive away.

Su Hai chased it out and gave him his satellite phone.

"Use the Westminster family helicopter to go, and bring the medical team, otherwise it will be too late. I told Beate just now, and he has gone back to prepare."

Just now Su Hai blocked Beatr out of the door for this.

"Okay, thanks."

This trip to Su Hai came as a diplomat, who originally represented the political world, but they were in the military world for different purposes. They did not belong to the same system, so satellite phones were used for their own purposes.


In the casino, Sissel turned around in a hurry, and the people underneath had been scolded **** by her. There were bullet marks from the gun battle and blood stains that could not be washed away for a while.

They did not take advantage of this confrontation, although they had already prepared in their hearts, they were caught off guard by the Living Hades. He seems to be stronger than he was in the Soviet Union, and the overall quality of his soldiers has also improved a lot.

"Damn it." Sissel kicked a person, and raised the machine gun as a blast. "What do I want you to do with this trash? No one can find it."

"Miss, please calm down." The doctor came out of Keberg's room and couldn't help but say a good word for the people under him. "Don't be angry. Odin is an adult. He will definitely come back after the mission."

"Get out! Get out of here." Sissel's face was blue and white, and she suddenly regretted sending Odin out to perform the task of assassinating the Living Hades. If the Living Hades dies, it is difficult for him to get out first.

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