May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1635: completely annihilated

This is not the key, the key is what if he doesn't come back after he gets away?

This will drive her crazy, she must not allow herself to lose control of men.

"Find me, even if you turn the desert upside down, you have to find people for me." Sissel furiously ordered: "There is a living Hades, continue to chase me down, who can put his head on his head Come back, I'll give one hundred thousand dollars."

"Yes, Missy."


The people below are very excited. One hundred thousand dollars is an astronomical figure.

The doctor smiled with a ghostly smile, "Miss, the reward for Living Hades in the dark world has long been more than ten million. You don't need to be like that."

Sissel turned his head abruptly, and his cold eyes were exactly the same as Kerberg.

The doctor took a step back and turned away from the subject: "The boss is awake."

"Humph!" Sissel had been very upset at seeing the doctor long ago, and would have done him if it hadn't been for her eldest brother. It's really useless. I have promised her that the effect of the potion is so amazing that it makes Qin Yue face the east, and he absolutely dare not face the west.

now what?

What a waste.

There are still three people in Kerberg's room, all of whom are his confidants, even Sissel has no right to call.

"Big brother, how are you?" Sissel ran to Keberg's bed and looked at the bandaged position on his chest, exasperated. "Damn God, I will never let her go this time."

Maybe because Qin Yue hadn't returned yet, she wanted a depot that had been ignited, and it was full of firepower when she walked there.

When the two parties exchanged hostages, the Living Hades had a black hand behind his back, almost killing Kerberg. Although he had long expected that he would play a black hand, he was unable to stop it.

This makes Kerberg's face equally unsightly, his face pale and gloomy.

What he cared about was not his own injuries, but the killers he sent out and all died, leaving no one alive. This time the loss was huge, even if he couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Boss, we lost a lot. I didn't expect that the wife of King Living Hades had so many masters."

"So..." Kerberg gritted his teeth and said word by word: "You will be wiped out?"

"Sorry boss, we are useless."

"You made me the biggest joke in the Soviet Union." When he looked at people gloomily, he looked as though he was being stared at by some cold-blooded animal.

"Boss, the wife of Living Hades not only has a huge influence behind it, but also has the support of my Westminster family."

This news was a huge blow to Kerberg, and even Sissel stood up unbelievably.

"The Westminster family in England?"

"Yes, Earl Beate brought someone to show up in person. It is absolutely impossible to go wrong. Given the close relationship between the United States and Britain, we must withdraw to the Soviet Union as soon as possible, or the subsequent counterattack will be more troublesome."

After all, this is not their home, and many things are not going well. The convenience of personnel is not dominant, and it suffers too much.

"I know."

Sissel was anxious. She didn't want to go back yet. She couldn't swallow the breath of failing to kill the woman Qin Yue liked. "Big brother, do you really want to go back? Just go back like this and you will lose face."

Kerberg has always been invincible. After losing so badly this time, he may not be able to keep his position as the leader in the Soviet Union.

"Of course I have to go back." Kerberg sneered. "Do you think I'm as mindless as you?"

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