May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1636: I do not believe

"How come I have no brains?" Sissel refused. Her IQ and beauty have always been the capital of pride, so she can't bear to say that she has no brains.

"You have no brains when you fall in love with Qin Yue." Kerberg reached out and interrupted what she was about to say, "You better expect Qin Yue to kill the Living Hades, otherwise..."

Before the last sentence came out, the door of the room was knocked.

"Boss, I found the trace." This was the person Kerberg sent to follow Qin Yue for the purpose of checking the results. A dozen people ran out at that time, but only one came back.

"how about it?"

"Odin stabbed him into the stomach of King Living Hades, and he must die."

"Really?" Even Kerberg was not calm now, stood up happily and affected his injuries without any pain. "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"That's right! Odin stabbed in while the king was alive." The speaker danced with excitement and gestured the length of the saber, "Such a deep position, he must die."

"I know!" Sissel smiled happily: "I gave the saber, with a bloodlet on it, as long as there is no chance to survive."

"That's good, that's good." Kerberg patted Sissel on the shoulder. "Good job! As expected of my sister."

He just looked like he was about to kill, but now he changed his face immediately.

"What about the back?"

"Later we were discovered that there was a chaotic fight, and then we lost people." The man thought that he was ashamed, and he must be severely punished. I didn't expect the boss to be in a good mood, but he didn't follow him. Care about.

"They can't get out of the desert, so keep looking for me. You must find me the dead body. It would be better if you can find alive." He always felt that he hadn't had time to torture and torture, if he died so happy, it would be true. Too cheap to live Hades.

But it must be uncomfortable to die in the hands of his best brother.

"Boss, we are already looking for."

"Where is Odin? Is he all right?" Sissel asked anxiously.

"Odin is fine, but we lost contact with him during the fight."

This time Sissel couldn't sit still anymore, she wanted to find someone herself. After confirming that Qin Yue stupidly killed Xu Qigang, even Kerberg had no reason to stop him.

Odin will be an important member of their Kerberg.


The casino is located in the north of the United States. The endless desert is terrifyingly high during the day and dying cold at night. The windbreaker on his body was cut open, and at night the cold air poured down the cracked opening into the clothes, and the teeth of cold people could tremble.

An An curled up and squatted on the sand, a pair of dark eyes staring at Qin Yue non-stop, without blinking for a long time.

Qin Yue was numb with the scalp she looked at, "You prisoner, dare to look at me again, believe it or not I killed you?"

An An looked up chin and stared at him stubbornly.

"I do not believe."

Qin Yue laughed angrily, "Hey, I've seen it today, and there is such a bold prisoner as you, so you are amazing."

"You don't know how to kill, you are a good person, you can only protect people, how can you kill!" An An looked pitiful, her eyes blank. I don't know if she said it to Qin Yue or to herself.

Maybe she is paralyzing herself!

She had already seen it with her own eyes, but she still didn't believe it.

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