May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1638: I don't want to kill you

"You go! I don't want to kill you."

"You want to kill me?" An An asked incredulously.

"You are my captive, do I still have to support you if I rob you and not kill?" Qin Yue returned to his cynical appearance.

"You... you really have changed." An An stepped back, "When you started killing my brother-in-law, I naively thought that you were in love with others. ."

"I am not the Qin Yue you said, my name is Odin."

"Odin? The name of the main **** of Northern Europe, which woman named Sissel gave you the name?" After waking up from the confusion, An An's cleverness made Qin Yue look at him.

He couldn't help but glance at the girl in front of him, his doubts getting deeper and deeper.

"You are Qin Yue, you are the commander of the Second Army Investigation Corps of the Southern Military Region. But... you won't be in the future." She shook her body, turned to leave but was hugged by Qin Yue from behind.

His slender waist was held tightly in his arms, as if he could break it with a little effort.

The daughter in her arms is soft and supple, and her beautiful touch makes her heart beat faster. Qin Yue couldn't help but hug it even more. He didn't know why she really wanted to leave just now, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

The two of them hugged each other with a round moon above their heads. The silvery white moonlight dyed the endless desert into a silver ocean, and two embracing figures were in such a world, as if only each other had their eyes.

An An stretched out his hand to break his finger, but couldn't break it with any force. When the two people got along with their fingertips, an electric current rushed through, and both of them couldn't help but shudder all over.

"Didn't you let me go? Why do you regret it?" An'an missed her brother-in-law's life and death in her heart, and wanted to go back and see for herself.

The purpose of her coming here is to take Qin Yue home safely, just like her brother-in-law. But the brother-in-law who was killed in the end was injured, and the culprit also kidnapped her.

She is really passionate.

A little hooligan is a little hooligan, no matter where he goes, he will not suffer.

Although he has lost his memory, he is now Keberg's brother-in-law, and the beautiful woman may have a better life than before.

What is she not being passionate?

Although the result was not good, she at least worked hard, and tried to put down all dignity and indifference to please him.

After confirming that her brother-in-law is okay, she can return home with confidence. Auntie and Dad must have been waiting anxiously. Grandpa hadn't finished her confession before he died, and there were still many things to do in the laboratory.

She is very busy.

It's really busy.

Qin Yue felt that something cold had fallen on his hand, and his careful feeling was actually tears. This recognition made him feel that the place wet with tears seemed to be burned by fire, and his whole heart was aching.

Suddenly, the person with his back to him turned around and just raised his head to look at him. Before he could react, the girl stood on tiptoe and kissed him on her delicate lips.

The lips of the two pressed against each other, as if the sky thunder shook the fire and the fire Qin Yue could no longer resist passively and actively, reaching out and holding the back of her head and kissed unscrupulously.

Her lips and teeth depend on each other, and every inch of her softness and sweetness fascinated him. As if it was a treasure that he had been longing for for a long time, the fiery kiss went all the way down the delicate neck and finally came to the softness that no one had come.

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