May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1639: The ancients don't deceive me

Qin Yue was instantly urged by this joy and impulse to destroy all his reason and defense. Even if it was a calculation, he would admit to assassination.

I die under the peony flower, and I am also happy to be a ghost. The ancients sincerely did not deceive me.

He threw her to the ground, with fine sand under him and a shining moonlight on him. It seemed that there were only two of them in the world, and his clothes were thrown to the ground in a hurry, and his close-fitting clothes were torn by him eagerly.

The two young bodies entangled as much as they could, and finally even the moon shyly hid behind the clouds.

In the dawn, An An endured the soreness of her body and slowly finished her clothes. His energy is so good that people who thought that the temperature would be cold at night could not bear it, but... as a result, he tossed her all night.

Don't say it's cold, I didn't even feel the cold. Instead, sweat drenched the clothes that the two of them were spreading under them. Thinking of this scene, An An's blush was like cherries, and even his eyes were wet with waves of water, completely different from usual.

She sighed slightly, as if she had grown up a lot in just one night. She still didn't understand a lot of what her sister said before, but now she understands them all.

It turns out that this is love.

Before, she only liked Qin Yue, it was not love.

Love is really a wonderful word that makes people tremble of joy from the depths of the soul.

She loves him, so she wants to surrender herself to him.

No regrets, no regrets, even the gossip.

"I want to take you back, but you can't go back with me." The person who had been tossing all night just fell asleep, and through the clothes on his body, he could even see the scars on his body that had not yet grown.

An An blinked painfully, her eyes moistened unconsciously.

"The stab wound on my brother-in-law was so deep, if he really..." The word'death' was too burdensome, she couldn't bear it. "Then we are enemies, mortal enemies. And you will also be a criminal in the army, so you might as well never go back."

Stay outside and continue to be that unscrupulous little hooligan, and you won't suffer there.

If you go back, what awaits Qin Yue is the military court, and the intricate struggles between the major families are her enemies.

An An glanced at Qin Yue one last time, and then resolutely got up and left. She is usually well-behaved and docile, but in her bones she is a very thoughtful person. Coupled with her super high IQ and memory, she is different from ordinary people.

Once the decision is made, it is absolutely muddle-headed.

The sleeping man slowly opened his eyes. He thought she would not leave, but he watched her back gradually disappear and finally understood that this was not a rush. The huge loss hit him and he got up and wanted to chase her, but the sound of fast-moving footsteps was heard before all the movements were made.

Qin Yue remained calm, his sharp eyes swept across, and the muscles hidden under his clothes were tightened because of total guard.

The sound of footsteps came from all around him densely. At this moment, he couldn't help being thankful that she was gone, or he would be dead if it fell into Sissel's hands.


A helicopter parked on the top floor apron of Victoria Hospital, and a group of people descended from above carrying a seriously injured and unconscious person. The hospital had long been notified to take the wounded in an orderly manner and moved quickly into the operating room.

Although all this seems like a wave of wind and waves, in fact, even the doctor inside is nervous and sweaty.

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