May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1721: Feng Zhenzhen came to visit

The man with eyes said that he took the initiative to hand in his ID, and Su Jiang took a glance at it and looked slightly better.

"It's just time for you to come back, Commander Soviet. I have something to look for you."

"What's the matter?" Su Jiang was a little impatient.

When the man with eyes was about to speak, a woman wearing a mask got down from the car behind him. Su Jiang knew this woman from the airport, the Feng family's agent.


Su Jiang's concept was obviously the one that was most heavily influenced by Mr. Su. He snorted when he saw Feng Zhenzhen, watching her with a majestic expression and not speaking.

He didn't agree with the relatives of the Feng family. His mother died when Xiaohai was born, so he didn't know. But he was the boss, and when he was a child, he didn't just hear the old man say that the Feng family was not. Even the mother herself was extremely disappointed in this family.

No matter what the Feng family has had a good reputation now, he does not intend to engage in relationships.

"What's the matter with Miss Feng?"

"I want to see Shengning."

Su Jiang glanced at her up and down, motioned for the guard to let him go, and then got into the car and let the guard drive in.

Sheng Ning didn't know what happened just now. She saw Su Jiang getting in the car and asked curiously: "What happened just now? Who is so courageous to run to the gate of the compound to make trouble?"

"It's Feng Zhenzhen from the Feng family."

Sheng Ning heard something, "Uncle, you don't seem to like Feng Zhenzhen?"

"It's not that I don't like Feng Zhenzhen, but I don't like the Feng family." After Su Jiang finished speaking, he frowned in confusion, "I know you helped you a lot in the Feng family in the United States. Are you close together?"

"……is acceptable."

"Then I have to remind you, the Feng family is nothing, especially the Feng Family Patriarch is very bad." Su Jiang got excited and said all the things the old man scolded.

Sheng Ning scratched her head awkwardly, so she was scolded in front of her. Would you like to explain?

"Uncle..." Sheng Ning thought for a while and felt that outsiders could conceal it, but his family should not cheat, so he said embarrassingly: "Actually, I am now the head of the Feng family."

My uncle has not come back since he was picked up by someone from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday. He is different from Sheng Ning. He is working on behalf of the country. After he comes back, all departments have to confess and write reports. It is estimated that at least one is busy Only a few weeks can make time.

"What?" Su Jiang's eyes widened, and he roared, "Are you saying the words again?"

Su Huaian, who was driving in front, was also frightened, thinking that he had hallucinations, and slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped suddenly. Fortunately, Sheng Ning responded quickly, and the child didn't touch it.

Su Huaian's face paled in shock, "Are you okay? Didn't you meet your little brother and little sister?"

"No!" Sheng Ning shook his head and explained again: "I am now the head of the Feng family. Uncle, you heard me right."

"What am I talking about!" Su Jiang suddenly realized, "How stingy like the Feng family can donate 10 billion foreign exchange at a time." After thinking about this 10 billion was brought back by his niece, he suddenly felt face. There was light on, and the Feng family was not so unpleasant.

"Okay, Ningning, you did a good job of this. The old man didn't care for you in vain. If he knew, he would be so happy."

Su Huaian smiled softly. It turned out that the car had reached the door of the house. He opened the door and got off to help Sheng Ning carry the child together.

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