May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1722: Meet old friends

An An went to Hai's house. He heard the sound of the car and ran out to take a look. As expected, it was her sister who came back from the grave and hurried forward to help them.

The little brother is very strong now, holding him up and down and almost falling to the ground several times.

Next door to Su Jiang is the Chen family. Sheng Ning is thinking about cooking by herself at noon, and invites those who had a good relationship to have a meal at home. Before entering the house, he was blindfolded from behind, and said in a strange tone: "Guess who I am?"

Is this still a guess? She doesn't need to think about it!

"Chen Huaying!"

Chen Huaying punched her gently, "How come you guessed it so easily? Really, it's not challenging at all."

"That's because I have been thinking of you!"

Chen Huaying was wearing a camouflage uniform with a slanted hat on her head. She was still as handsome as before, with a sly smell when she laughed.

"Shengning, I found out that you want to become coaxing when you go to a foreign country."

"Really?" Sheng Ning glanced at Su Huai'an secretly, and joked: "As long as my cousin is not angry." After that, she squeezed Chen Huaying's face and deliberately joked: "Well, Chen Huaying, no Thinking of you actually becoming my cousin, you have taken too much of this price. Do you know how many people want to marry my cousin? Do you know how many people are willing to be my cousin?"

Su Huaian's handsome and gentle face was blushed as Sheng Ning said.

"Really? Really?" Chen Huaying also felt that he had taken a big advantage when Sheng Ning said that. Even her mother at home said that she was not worthy of Su Huai'an, and her father exaggerated that he could have Su Huai'an as a son-in-law, it was a smoke from the ancestral grave.

Anyway, Chen Huaying didn't think it before, but now he tilts his head to see Su Huaian really but how he looks good.

"Should we get married?" Since even Sheng Ning said yes, and now Sheng Ning is back, she must quickly turn such a good husband into her own.

A hint of surprise flashed through Su Huaian's handsome eyes, he nodded slightly, smiling like a spring breeze.

"Of course it is true, I can call you cousin in front of you!"

"Hahaha..." Chen Yingjie smiled triumphantly. Sheng Ning called her cousin to listen with great enthusiasm. She thiefly approached and asked, "Where is the living Hades? Will the living Hades also call my cousin?"

"Of course!" Sheng Ning nodded as he deserved, "I told your cousin that he must also shout, unless he doesn't want to be confused."

"Hahaha..." This is too much value than buying and selling. Let the King of Living Hades call her cousin, enough for her to brag for a lifetime at the National Defense University.

Mr. Chen, who came with Chen Huaying, looked at his stupid granddaughter and sold himself in a few words, so he was still complacent. I feel deeply embarrassed, forget it, should he go home directly as if he didn't see it?

It's shameful.

Sheng Ning looked at the familiar person in front of him, and the warm winter sun shone on him, making people feel warm from the inside out. It's great, everything has changed, but nothing has changed.

Chen Huaying was still the same Chen Huaying. They almost had to say goodbye to each other once, but now they saw it again as if they had just been separated for a day.

What happened before, as if it was yesterday, is so familiar and kind.

"Do you miss me?" Chen Huaying said brazenly.

"Yes, very much." Sheng Ning squeezed her cheek and said with a smile.

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