May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1724: Shen Ming is here

"By the way, how are the arrangements in Shanghai?"

"The Ministry of Economy and Trade is very quick, and with government assistance, we also anticipate where to invest in some projects, so the ancestral hall can be easily bought."

Before the removal of the Feng family, he was a real wealthy family in Shanghai. Not only was there a separate ancestral grave, but also an ancestral hall. This time he came back to bury his uncle's ashes in his ancestral grave.

"Then go there tomorrow!"

"Are you convenient?" Feng Zhenzhen saw that Shengning had a lot of things and would be busy meeting some old friends.

"This matter is more important. I must do it when I promised Grandpa Uncle."

"Okay!" Feng Zhenzhen stood up, ready to leave, "Then I will pick you up tomorrow."

"You don't need to pick it up. We will meet at the train station tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Feng Zhenzhen left, he didn't have any sense of presence when he came, but when he left, he attracted the attention of many people. Among them, Hai Yunbing was the one who paid the most attention. This person is now a daughter, where is he going.

It was a slave to his daughter, and when he saw Feng Zhenzhen coming down from the stairs, his eyes raised in surprise. After people left, he asked Su Jiang what was going on.

"Oh! The Feng family is my mother's natal family!"

Grandpa Hai is here too, he is a granddaughter slave. It was Feng Zhifen's natal family, so he had too much say. At the beginning of Shanghai, he had witnessed how Old Man Su tricked a daughter into his hands.

"I know, that's a terrific family." Old Master Hai didn't care about political affairs. He suddenly realized when he said, "Is the Feng family with ten billion US dollars the same as Zhifen's family?"

"Hmm!" Su Jiang nodded with a faint expression. He hasn't calmed down since Shengning is the Feng Family Patriarch, and 10 billion is from her hands!


Sheng Ning got up early the next day, gave the child to An An and his uncle, and Su Huai An personally delivered it to the train station. Feng Zhenzhen's status in China is different now, and he seems to be a moving golden mountain and silver mountain wherever he goes.

Countless businessmen want to do business with her.

Shengning didn't see anyone when he arrived at the train station. Only when he heard that he bought a ticket at the station, he realized that it was a special passage. Sure enough, I saw Feng Zhenzhen from a distance when I went to a place with few people.

She wears a half mask, which is too conspicuous. When I walked in, I discovered that there was actually an acquaintance of my own among the people around me.

"Shen Ming?" Sheng Ning thought for a long time before remembering the name.

No way, Shen Yu was so in the limelight at the beginning that no one noticed Shen Ming, and it was only after Shen Yu's accident that Shen Ming received attention.

But why did he come to see Zhen Zhen? Does a soldier also want to do business with Meng Ping's academic change?

Sheng Ning's voice was not small. Shen Ming was so alert that he actually heard it. He looked up at the beauty in front of him, and he couldn't remove his eyes.

Before the accident, Ju Ruo Li was full of self-confidence, calm, and generous temperament.

Even if the most powerful Qin Xue stood in front of her, she would be overshadowed.

Shen Ming quietly covered the surprise in his eyes, and said hello with a smile, "Shengning, you're back, long time no see."

"Long time no see." Sheng Ning nodded implicitly. She had a good impression of Shen Ming, very humble and polite. However, because of the kind of things Shen Yu did, she was awkward to see Shen's family now.

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