May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1725: Deliberately embarrassed

After greeting Sheng Ning, he didn’t plan to say one more word. Anyway, Shen Ming didn’t pay attention to her. He was talking with Ji Letian and Feng Zhenzhen. He probably also knew that Feng Zhenzhen had more say than Ji Letian, so he put The focus is on Feng Zhenzhen.

Sheng Ning thought it was funny, and for the first time discovered that Shen Ming had a talent for doing business. Even if Feng Zhenzhen is already impatient, he just has the ability to ignore it.

It seems that the death of the old leader Shen wiped out all the arrogance of the Shen family.

I think that when I first saw Shen Yu, it was so energetic and defiant.

Suddenly, a strong gaze looked at her, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Sheng Ning raised her eyebrows slightly, only to realize that there was a woman standing on Shen Ming's right. Wearing a green coat, with the most popular curly hair in the 1980s, she is already a fashionable girl from the current perspective.

Sheng Ning felt very strange and looked at this woman more. As a result, the moment the two people's eyes contacted, there was a burst of lightning, and the woman had a strong hostility towards her.

"Shen Ming, this is the famous military flower, right?" The woman took Shen Ming's arm and said affectionately: "It looks so beautiful, it is indeed the military flower of the Northern Military Region."

It sounded like a compliment, but the word Junhua made her bite so hard that it made her feel awkward no matter how she heard it. Maybe she looked down on the so-called army flower in front of her, but she came from a rural area. Although she has climbed Su Jiang now, she still can't make it to the table in the eyes of people like them.

Shen Ming coughed and introduced: "I forgot to introduce it just now. This is my lover Ji Shiyu, and this is Sheng Ning, the niece of Army Commander Su."

"Hello." Sheng Ning politely stretched out his hand, but after waiting for a long time, Ji Shiyu smiled disdainfully, and deliberately left Sheng Ning's hand out.

There was a moment of embarrassment at the scene, and Ji Shiyu even smiled provocatively at Shengning.

Feng Zhenzhen's face changed at that time, and his face under the mask had a trace of murderous intent. Damn it, don't see who you are. She winked at Angel Jile, who nodded with understanding.

Shen Ming saw that his wife gave Sheng Ning a disarm, although he knew it was wrong, but he didn't stop him. He has a good poetic background. He was held in the palm of his hand since he was a child. He has never suffered any loss, so he has developed an arrogant and willful temper. But she also has this capital. As the daughter of the Northwest Steel King, no one dares to offend her.

What if Sheng Ning is Su Jiang's niece? The Ji family in the northwest is not afraid to offend him.

And to blame, she is Xu Qigang's woman.

Sheng Ning withdrew her hand calmly, and now she has no need to care about this with others. To put it ugly, she no longer has to be coerced by anyone in the military and political circles.

Now she has enough capital to straighten her waist. What's the deal with this level of embarrassment? She has a way to return.

Sheng Ning didn't care, but Ji Shiyu was obviously not satisfied. She suddenly covered her mouth and said in a fuss: "Junhua, I heard that you were kidnapped by the people from Southern Xinjiang, and you brought two wild species back? Master Xu He is such a good man, his head is almost green into grassland and he can bear it."

"What are you talking about?" She can bear to embarrass her by saying anything else, but she has absolutely zero tolerance for pouring dirty water on her child. "You kind of said it once?"

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