Feng Zhenzhen heard that he was going to return to the U.S., he stood up suddenly, bowed to Shengning ninety degrees and apologized, "Sorry Patriarch, I will never dare anymore."

"Sit down!" Sheng Ning was a little bit sour. She didn't feel so deeply about Feng Zhenzhen's liking for Chen Yingjie, but now it seems that Feng Zhenzhen has fallen deeply. Her road is too hard, how will she live in the future?

"Yes!" He bowed ninety degrees again and sat down honestly.

"In addition, I want Northwest Steel King to go bankrupt within ten days." She commanded with a serious expression, and the two of them were almost out of breath.

Ji Letian was secretly surprised, and at the same time laughed at the woman's defiance.

Even in the U.S., Feng's Patriarch is a tycoon-level figure. What kind of treatment will he receive when he returns to China with 10 billion US dollars of foreign exchange as a stepping stone?

It is unimaginable.

And a person who can come up with ten billion dollars without blinking his eyes is a waste? Just thinking about this number, he would tremble with excitement.

Even the super rich would not have this courage. So he admires the Patriarch from the bottom of his heart.


The closer to the New Year's Pass, the colder the weather, and a few heavy snowfalls all over the world. The Soviet Union on the other side of the Heihe River is even more unbearable. People with a slightly poorer body may actually freeze to death.

With a machine gun on his back, Qin Yue rubbed his hands while patrolling. His physique is already very good, but he still feels cold in this ghostly weather.

"Grandma's, I'm a little bit convinced that Lao Tzu is a southerner now." His grandma can't stand it on such a cold day! Looking at the majestic bear-like Soviet men, he felt that he was a weak chicken.

Although he can still hit three without a problem, he is a lean type, with all muscles and no fat on his body, so he is not very cold resistant.

This is a prison near the capital of the Soviet Union, and all war criminals are detained in such a name. No one would have thought that Kerberg's base camp was actually here. Qin Yue was surprised for a long time when he first arrived.

He is now a prison guard and has no access to the core. Obviously Kerberg still doesn't trust him. But there is a good thing, that is, Sissel completely broke with her brother.

Qin Yue closed his sleeves, with a rascal smile on his face.

It's hard to get the sun today. He patrolled outside and didn't go in. Instead, he leaned on the wall and lit a cigarette for himself and began to swallow the clouds. Suddenly a shadow stood in front of him, and Qin Yue looked at the cowhide boots that the other party was wearing, then followed his long legs upwards, knowing the other's face.

This face is rigid, cold, serious and boring. Although the facial features are three-dimensional and beautiful, there are too many sub-items, not as handsome as him.

Qin Yue smirked again, shaking the ashes, took out the cigarette case from his pocket and threw it to the opponent.

Xu Qigang took it silently, and lighted himself a cigarette without making a difference, his face changed abruptly after the first puff.

"What kind of ghost are you smoking?" With a sharp expression, he knocked out the cigarette in Qin Yue's hand, and threw his own into the snow.

"You have a brain disease, are you?" Qin Yue is a **** by nature. Whether he is his comrade-in-arms or brother, he can't miss it.

Ok! He can't beat this People's Liberation Army temporarily.

"There is a problem with this cigarette. You are not allowed to smoke it in the future." Xu Qigang took another cigarette out of the cigarette case and put it on the end of his nose and smelled it lightly. The smell disappeared when I first smoked, as if everything was his illusion.

But he knew it was not. Years of front-line combat experience told him that since the first feeling is that there is a problem, there must be a problem. Thinking of this, he glanced at Qin Yue disappointedly.

"Why look at me with such a look?"

Xu Qigang said mercilessly: "The memory is lost, and the brain is also lost." The former Qin Yue wouldn't be so stupid. He didn't even know that he was caught in the smoke.

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