May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1729: Action the day after tomorrow

But he knew it was not. Years of front-line combat experience told him that since the first feeling is that there is a problem, there must be a problem. Thinking of this, he glanced at Qin Yue disappointedly.

"Why look at me with such a look?"

Xu Qigang said mercilessly: "My memory is lost, and my brain is also lost." The former Qin Yue wouldn't be so stupid. He didn't even know that he was caught in the smoke.

"You..." Okay! He was too lazy to care about him, "Did you bring the things I want?"

Xu Qigang put the cigarette in his pocket by the way, planning to check it with confidence later, and then pointed to a pillar not far away, "I brought it all, a full ton of explosives."

"Not bad!" Qin Yue patted Xu Qigang's shoulder arrogantly, "There is a kind of, chasing here all the way from the United States, you can even get this kind of thing."

Xu Qigang threw away his hand in disgust, "The three of us have been busy for 20 days if we can't get a ton of explosives, ha ha..."

The last two sneers, although they didn't say it clearly, Qin Yue understood them. The People's Liberation Army is laughing at himself for uselessness!

"How are you going to use this ton of explosives?"

"Isn't dynamite used to explode?" The absence of cigarettes made Qin Yue feel uncomfortable. He secretly wondered how to settle accounts with Sissel.

She gave the cigarettes, and the people who dealt them clearly knew it.

"I've stepped on the entire periphery of the prison. If this ton of explosives goes down, I can send the entire prison to the northwest. A mushroom cloud will be exploded. It must be beautiful."

Xu Qigang frowned subconsciously, "The brain is gone, but I have learned a lot about cruelty."

"It's all **** people, what do I care about them?" Qin Yue sneered nonchalantly.

"When are you going to do it?"

"Tonight, the sooner the better."

"No way tonight." Xu Qigang shook his head and vetoed, "Kerberg is not here."

"Fuck me." Qin Yue scolded a few words very uncomfortably. His main purpose was to kill Keberg. If he wasn't there, would he blow up his ass?

Xu Qigang didn't have much time. Before leaving, he looked at the time on his wrist and said, "The day after tomorrow! After we get things the night after tomorrow, you can do it."

Xu Qigang wants to take a very important thing from Kerberg. Only when he gets this Qin Yue back can he make up for his merits before he will not be sent to the military court.


"That's right..." He stopped, and Qin Yue felt guilty when he looked at it with sharp eyes.

"Say if you have something to say, and let it go if you have a fart." Qin Yue said angrily, this kind of person is really his former brother? Either it is fake, or he was blind before.

"You have to keep a distance from Sissel, or I will fight you and you can't take care of yourself." Abandoning this warning, he left without looking back, the tall and straight figure gradually disappearing into the snow.

Qin Yue looked at Xu Qigang's back with a cynical sneer. He is really curious about him now, and seems to like his character.

And he appreciates capable people.

He thought about it in a mess, the biting cold wind, but that kind of charming, making his blood boiling picture reappeared in his mind. It's like the starry desert night in the middle of the night. Such a soft girl, that kind of extremely pleasant feeling.

The reason why he was able to cooperate with Xu Qigang so easily was because of her.

Qin Yue is her fiance, so he will be Qin Yue.

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