May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1747: Dual personality

So she especially liked Shen Feihu in her heart, thinking that he was more pleasing to the eye than Hai Yunbing.

"Master Shen, if I go to your house for dinner, you can rest assured that I will bring my own vegetables, or I will let my sister bring the vegetables together."

"That's fine. I just want to discuss something with your sister."

The two said to leave, and the three generations of the Hai family were dumbfounded.

Which one is this singing?

As a result, before Haishen stood up to grab someone, someone came at the gate again.

An An stood side by side with Shen Feihu, and the smile on his face immediately disappeared when Shen Ming came in. Dark eyes looked at Shen Ming on the opposite side without any fluctuations.

Shen Feihu was also secretly startled by An An's completely different appearance, and looked back at Hai Yunbing in surprise. I thought, your girl turned her face too fast, right?

It’s not alone.

Hai Yunbing sneered. He rejected the Shen family when he saw it. Moreover, he felt distressed when he saw An An's appearance. Thinking of how she was when she just recovered from her memory, she finally got better and was willing to accept Haijia.

As a result, as soon as this Shen Ming appeared, he changed immediately.

"Cousin." Shen Ming smiled and greeted An An gracefully.

An An nodded and did not speak. She didn't speak, smile, and no one knew what she was thinking when she was blank. On the contrary, as long as she laughs, the vivid little expression is pure white like a piece of paper.

Hai Yunbing knew in his heart that An An had something to do with her talent. There are two states, one is An'an and the other is Bo'er. Psychologically speaking, An An has formed two different personalities. I haven't seen a doctor now, and there are no good experts in this field in China, and Hai Yunbing is not clear about the specifics. So he was even more worried, preferring to do nothing by himself than to let An'an have something to do. Otherwise, with his self-control and restrained, how could he be as faceless and skinless as he is now.

But he didn't say anything about this situation, and he was even more afraid that it would hurt An An if he said it. To be honest, he also plans to talk to Sheng Ning, maybe only Sheng Ning can help.

I have to admit that the inconspicuous new recruit girl film has grown to a point where even he has to pay attention to it.

"Cousin won't you invite me in and sit down?" Shen Ming's expression was gentle.

"Are you sure you want to go in and sit down?" An An asked blankly.

Shen Ming's pupils shrank slightly, he was indeed a eccentric person from his grandfather, who was smart enough. "Then we go for a walk?"

"Good!" An An took the lead without looking back.

All the people in the room were silent. Although they didn't say anything, they didn't look good.

"Uncle, then I'll walk with my cousin and talk about something." Shen Ming looked respectful and smiled before following.

Shen Ming grew up in the Northern Military Region, and everyone had a good opinion of him before Shen Yu died. Before no one knows his true face, most people will give some face.

Hai Yunbing nodded without saying anything.

"Then I'm leaving, happy new year, I'll go see Shengning." Shen Feihu rubbed oil on the soles of his feet.

The grandfather and grandson are half-dead, are you sure they are here for New Year's greetings, not to irritate people?


Shen Ming and An An wandered around in the compound. The weather was too cold. Although the snow on the concrete floor was swept clean, it was still a little bit icy, and walking on it was a bit slippery.

An An was afraid of the cold, and urged impatiently: "If you have anything, just tell me, I still have something."

"An An, the last person Grandpa saw before he died was you." Shen Ming said paradoxically.

An An stopped abruptly, "What do you mean?"

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